1. The Summer of 1975
It was the summer of 1975 when Nicholas Nixon visited the family of his wife (Bebe) and that’s when he asked the four sisters whether they would like to pose for pictures.
The sisters lined up in the same order back at that time. The photograph looks great and they have done so for him in the same line up ever since.
2. Hartford, 1976
In this picture, the sisters wear casual dresses and offer a peaceful pose for the camera.
They look super confident in the summer sunshine. They are young and looking forward to a bright future.
3. Cambridge, Massachusetts 1977
A year has passed and these sisters are ready to take on the camera once again. However, this time they are looking into the camera more contemplatively.
They have ditched their casual dresses and are looking classier than ever. Although they have this confident look on their faces, they clearly have more going on in their minds.
4. Harwich Port, Massachusetts 1978
As compared to previous photographs, the sisters look a lot less happy than before. Perhaps, they understand what challenges lie ahead of them.
In this shot, the photographer decided to focus more on their faces. The thought of entering adulthood and growing apart is most probably making all sisters frown.
5. Marblehead, Massachusetts 1979
In this photo, we can notice that each sister has decided to enhance her personality. They all have established their own dress style.
One sister chooses pants while another chooses to opt for a more formal dress. One sister has a relaxed pose while the other one is contemplating. We can only wonder what is going through their minds.
6. East Greenwich, Rhode Island 1980
This picture depicts beautiful sisterly love. The four young women are showing the world they are still close and have a strong bond.
Although they had solemn faces in the previous years, they look a bit more prepared to face the world in this picture
7. Cincinnati, 1981
The picture is taken in the summer of 1981 and the sisters are showing off their healthy bodies and lean legs.
The sisters have a confident look on their faces; perhaps they feel more optimistic than before.
8. Ipswich, Massachusetts 1982
The sisters have moved to a colder climate, but it doesn’t mean that the cold winds can flatten their self-confidence.
As the wind is sweeping through their hair, they look more self-assured. They look ready for another pose. By now, we know that getting all these sisters to smile is a bit of a challenge.
9. Allston, Massachusetts 1983
The sisters decided to have a coordinated look in this picture. They seem to present a united front to the world.
As they are in the middle of the field and have wind playing with their hair, each woman has a different facial expression that is reflecting something different.
10. Truro, Massachusetts 1984
No longer the coltish young ladies, each sister has a more grown-up look to offer to the viewers.
Although this picture doesn’t really tell us what has happened in their lives in the past, we can only imagine it.
11. Allston, Massachusetts 1985
Another year, another picture that is keeping us as much intrigued as we were from looking at the picture of 1975.
Although you can notice there are no smiles on their faces, the picture still shows that their bond has only grown stronger.
12. Cambridge, Massachusetts 1986
Interestingly, it’s over a decade into this brilliant project. Unsurprisingly, the sisters remain as mysterious and familiar as ever.
It looks as if each sister has made plans regarding her future and all of them look more confident.
13. Chatham, Massachusetts 1987
Although time is taking a toll on the sisters, one thing that looks obvious is that they still have their fierce determination.
Each sister looks into the camera with a sense of defiance, making us wonder what they’re up to next.
14. Wellesley, Massachusetts 1988
In this picture, there are slow smiles unfolding in front of us. There is a subtle smile on the faces of all four amazing sisters.
Perhaps, they are thinking about something good that has happened or maybe it’s a nice day.
15. Cambridge, Massachusetts 1989
One sister decides to change her pose as we have to look for her in the picture. The mild smiles from the previous year are no more.
We can assume that this year was more challenging for the sisters. Well, this is life.
16. Woodstock, Vermont 1990
In the picture, it appears as if there is a closer bond between two sisters while one is pulling herself out of the reach of others.
Perhaps, it is because she has chosen a different path or living away from her sisters.
17. Watertown, Massachusetts 1991
Unlike the picture from the previous year, the sisters have decided to keep some distance from each other.
Is their bond fading? And we are with you if you are wondering why is it difficult for them to smile.
18. Concord, Massachusetts 1992
The sisters have decided to come up with a different pose for the photo of 1992.
These sisters show us that no matter what happens in their family, they will still get together for a photo.
19. Unknown Place, 1993
Nicholas Nixon didn’t tell where this photo was taken, but we can assume it was taken somewhere in New England.
Nevertheless, the smiles are back and it looks great to see them look supportive.
20. Grantham, NH 1994
Unlike all the photos taken in the previous 19 years, this photo was taken by the sisters themselves.
Nixon was not present at that time and it is unclear why.
21. Marblehead, Massachusetts 1995
As the sisters lean into the camera in the picture, they are showing the world that they are more determined than ever to make the most of what they have.
The sisters look like they want to spend more time in each other’s company. This also appears to be the happiest picture of the sisters.
22. Lexington, Massachusetts 1996
Each sister in the picture has a different expression on her face. Perhaps, each sister is going through a different phase in her life.
One must admire that all the sisters are still dedicated to the annual tradition.
23. Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 1997
We can clearly see that the sisters are aging. Perhaps, it is because of facing the challenges of life.
Three of the sisters’ expressions show that there is something more behind the photo.
24. Falmouth, Massachusetts 1998
We can’t exactly figure out why all the sisters decided to wear dark colors of gray and black in this picture.
Why these sisters have a gloomy mood most of the times? Well, it is a mystery.
25. Unknown Place, 1999
From the looks of the picture, it seems almost certain that 1999 was the most difficult year for the sisters.
They look like warrior sisters. The picture shows they are more determined than ever to stay strong.
26. Unknown Place, 2000
As you age, you start becoming fonder of important people in your life. Now, these sisters cling to each other more than ever.
The picture gives a strong message from the sisters that they have not given up on each other and want to uphold the bonds.
27. Unknown Place, 2001
Although the sisters do not tell us where they are in this picture, it is fair to say that they are somewhere really peaceful.
Their poses show that they are enjoying their time relaxing on the beach. However, it still seems like a big challenge to make them all smile.
28. Marblehead, Massachusetts 2002
Have you noticed so far that all three sisters surround one sister in most of the photos taken?
It seems quite clear that she has all their respect and love.
29. Unknown Place, 2003
It seems as if all the sisters are immersed in some sort of thought in this picture.
One of the amazing things about this project is that we are allowed to see their lives without the need to get to know them.
30. Cataumet, Massachusetts 2004
The world is advancing and it seems as the sisters are embracing the technology as well. One sister even carries a cell phone.
It seems clear to the viewers that the sisters are not much concerned about appearance.
31. Cataumet, Massachusetts 2005
As three sisters stand confidently in front of the camera, the fourth one looks away.
If you haven’t noticed so far, two sisters have almost the same pose in each photo while the other two always a different pose.
32. Wellesley, Massachusetts 2006
Bebe looks more confident than ever with her uncombed hair while other sisters have a more manicured look.
Just like last year’s picture, one sister decides to look away. She isn’t smiling as well while others have shy smiles for us.
33. Unknown Place, 2007
As wrinkles are more visible on their faces, the sisters are still confidently looking into the camera.
They have stayed together all these years as strong women who have always strived to stay confident.
34. Dallas, Texas 2008
In this picture, we can see that each sister is living in her own world. They seem to be present for the photo to be taken and yet they seem so far away from each other.
It is not hard to imagine that each sister has a different personality. However, they are still together and that’s what is important.
35. Unknown Place, 2009
As we know that Bebe is Nixon’s wife, it is safe to assume that she has been the main driving force behind this project.
Even in this picture, we can see that all three sisters gravitate towards Bebe.
36. Unknown Place, 2010
This is inarguably the most beautiful picture of this project. They all look happy and relaxed in each other’s company.
It also shows that each sister is equally involved in contributing to this world-famous series.
37. Truro, Massachusetts 2011
The sisters have visibly aged but that doesn’t matter because they still look stunning. In fact, their craggy faces are perfectly illustrating their story.
Even this is a black and white photo, but their beautiful relationship with each other is filling the photo with colors.
38. Unknown Place, 2012
This is another beautiful picture of the famous The Brown Sisters Series.
That’s what the photographer Nicholas Nixon said: “There are four people I would like to thank: the Brown sisters themselves. These pictures grew out of my curiosity about and admiration for this band of beautiful, strong women, who first let me into their lives, then allowed me to try making one picture, then joined me in a tradition, an annual rite of passage. I love my sisters-in-law Mimi, Laurie, and Heather, and I thank them wholeheartedly for their love and patience. Bebe, my true love, my best friend, is the center of my life. How lucky, how grateful I am.”
39. Unknown Place, 2013
This is inarguably one of the most inspiring and iconic continuing photographic series of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Nicholas Nixon’s The Brown Sisters Series opens 1st April at Sotheby’s New York.
40. Unknown Place, 2014
The photographer Nicholas Nixon shot the first portrait of his wife with her sisters in 1975. He went on to create a truly captivating work of conceptual art.
Who knew it would turn out to be a series that is estimated to fetch $200/300,000.
41. Unknown Place, 2015
This is the 41st annual photograph that shows us how much dedicated everyone is to this series.
We can see how much these sisters have grown old over all these years and yet they still look super strong.
42. Unknown Place, 2016
The smile on two sisters’ faces tells one story and the serious look on the other two sister’s face tells another story.
What is more important here is that they have come this far and still kept the annual tradition alive.
43. Truro, Massachusetts 2017
At the time of this last photograph, all sisters have the same confident look they have in 1975.
At the time this photograph was taken, the ages of sisters were: 56, 64, 66, and 68.