This article was originally published on WackoJaco
Just A Centaur Having A Beer
Here's a classic bar joke: a centaur walks into a bar, the bartender says, "Hey, how's the throat?" The centaur replies, "My throat isn't horse but my legs are."
We can suppose that this design is supposed to be funny. Imagine you waiting to meet the girl of your dreams and she enters the bar and sees you sitting on it though.
Even He Knows The Design Looks Ugly
There are times when we try so hard to hide our emotions, but we fail to do it. This person is pretty aware of how ridiculous the entire design is and his face says it all.
Some may say this is a cool theme for a restaurant, but most would probably disagree with that. By the way, the soup doesn't look very appetizing, and we can't control the urge not to say that this guy is the "Soup-ervisor."
10 Points For Slytherin!
Harry Potter fans will get our little nerdy title of 10 points for Slytherin. Some may say that it is scary, but we have a feeling that some people will think that it is cute.
We feel that it would be super cool for Halloween with the right costume. Would you go with this one?
Looks Comfortable
Just give a call to any person who you don't generally like and invite them for dinner. When they come, make them sit on this comfy “thing.”
We do feel that this is perfect for your upstairs neighbors who might try to drag their indoor furniture and make noises all the time.
Where's The Giant Bird?
This is weird and somewhat cute. By the way, this is "le nid" (meaning "the bird's nest") in Nantes, France.
We do think that this is an "Eggcellent" idea that is quite unique. One wonders there is any point in this place if you can’t get an omelette there.
50% Off Pants
Do you think you are confident enough to wear anything without worrying about what others would think? Well, imagine having this much confidence.
We are not here to judge anyone, but we do feel that this would be super uncomfortable.
Not The Most Appealing Egg Separator
This egg separator looks super disgusting. Moreover, it is a massive pain to clean it as well. You can imagine mold and/or yeast could easily start to grow in the nostrils.
You can send it as a Christmas gift to someone you hate who also gets flu easily. By the way, it is supposed to be funny.
"Mommy, There's A Giant Under My Bed!"
Having this kind of bed in the room gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "foot of the bed," right?
We do feel that this is Quentin Tarantino's bedroom because of his foot fetish (if you don't agree with us then just watch his movies). We are 100% confident that some kid will eventually paint the toenails.
The Worst Online Shopping Fail
His face shows disappointment and we are left wondering here what didn't meet his expectations. Maybe he knows that he is going to be popular.
So, should we address the elephant in the room or there is no need for it? Well, it seems like there is no need. We all got it.
Why? We Just Want To Know Whyyy???
How creative is this, right? We don't know what made the designer think it was a good idea to have little lumps in the armpits in a color that looks like ancient sweat stains. What was the designer snorting when the idea came to them?
To be honest, it looks like the person is always sweating so much that insects have even laid eggs that are about to be hatched.
The Designer Is A Fan of SpongeBob SquarePants
Some people may think that this is obviously a church down in Bikini Bottom, an underwater city in the SpongeBob SquarePants series.
We are certain that whoever came up with this design is going to "sHELL" (we know you're impressed by what we did here). And hey, we have a question; can the priest hear themselves and others over the sounds of the beach?
That's How You Blend Into Your Environment
We're a bit confused now because it is hard to imagine how one goes about getting a shirt in the exact same print as the upholstery?
This must be a custom order. Someone pointed out that a transport company sells them as a joke. Well, that's one way to prank the passengers.
A Die-Hard Fan Of Tango
This lady made the mask during COVID-19 most probably because she's not a fan of regular masks as they are quite boring looking.
Despite the fact that it doesn't look effective at all, we have to give her an A for effort because we can bet a lot of time went into knitting it. If she wears a better mask underneath it, then it's still functional and might just brighten someone's day
Secret Agent Grandpa
This is what happens when your lovely and innocent-looking grandpa is a secret agent hiding highly valuable information.
Or it can be just some guy hiding some of his personal collection from his wife...who knows!
When The Beach Is To "Die" For
There are some beaches on earth that make people want to stay there forever. Some of these are the breathtakingly beautiful beaches like Whitehaven Beach (Australia), Bai Sao (Vietnam), and Pensacola Beach (Florida).
By the way, this has given a new meaning to RIP meaning Relax In Peace. And just so you may know, the sales of this new floaty skyrocketed because of vampires.
Who Thought Of This Design?
Hey look, don't judge us for what we are going to tell you. Is it wrong that it reminds us of the rhino scene from Ace Ventura?
Although kids won't notice this, we are sure that adults can easily find issues with it.
The Eye Of Sauron
There are casual fans of The Lord of the Rings series and Harry Potter series, but then comes the die-hard fans of these series. The person who designed this one is a big fan of the Great Eye.
We find it scary because of Sauron's quasi-omnipotence and also its terrible gaze. Would he be okay with us wearing it?
Seriously, anyone who buys these baby-faced candles cute needs to have themselves checked because we are sure that there can be no way any of us is going to have them in the house.
These are the candles that you find in horror movies like The Conjuring, If you still find them cute, imagine them in red color.
Absolutely Shocking
Got it, thanks! Well, we got to say that this is the sneakiest murder for hire ad we have ever seen.
They should come up with another ad like, "Get your household electric chair today. It comes with an adjustable voltage!"
Throw Away This Handbag
It seems like the designer of this handbag thought that a personal silica bag helps keep you fresh all day.
And we have a plot twist for you: Inside this handbag, you will find tiny leather handbags. If you don't get this it's because you don't understand the fancy world of fashion... but then again neither do we.
Yeah, It's A Swimsuit
This is a swimsuit by Black Milk Clothing Company that enables you to take a look at the human body in a different way. You can see the heart, lungs, and intestines.
We really can't find the motive behind such a swimsuit and if we are honest here, we don't want to know. This person, for some reason, bought this swimsuit online and we can only imagine what it was like when they wore it to the beach.
A Mouse And A Flying Carpet
We actually loved this one. Although that's not the right place to use a carpet, we really like the idea behind it. We think it is could be a bigger movie than Aladdin.
But how will the person use the mouse when the carpet starts flying around the house?
Guide 101: How To Make Ripped Jeans Look Cool
Why do we feel that these jeans belong to Lady Gaga? Imagine the headlines: Lady Gaga Meets The Gap. But let's be honest here. This jeans design is horrible.
It looks like this woman had a severe accident where her skin was horribly burned off! You can only wear it on Halloween one time only if you burn these horrible jeans afterwards.
Definitely A Tech Person's Home
Although we don't consider ourselves tech nerds, we do feel that this is pretty cool.
Still, people who are into aesthetics and classy looks will find it really uncomfortable. Let us know if you want it in your home or not.
Ugly Breakfast
One wonders what the pitch of this concept was. Like, why eat with a fork and knife when you can...when you can put little forks and knives on your fingers?
We feel that they’d keep falling off, so if you’re eating hot food prepare to get burnt.
Is That A Fungus Infection?
Oh boy, are these supposed to be oyster fingernails? They don't look good at all, but then again, some people may like it.
We can only recommend it to you if you are getting married to an expert in oyster aquaculture.
The Scariest Light Switch In The Kids' Room
Believe it or not, this is a light switch in the kids' room, and boy it is scary. The poor kids are going to suffer from a lack of sleep for the rest of their lives.
After seeing this every night just before they fall asleep these poor kids will need therapy for the rest of their lives... or maybe even an exorcism!
Must Be A Dentist's Office
Well, we are certain that it is a dentist's office. But the scariest part of this picture is all the clashing colors and misguided pattern combinations.
On second thought, it seems like a bathroom of a serial killer. Going into such a creepy bathroom should always be avoided.
A Giant's Shoe
We have an idea for this young man, as a hilarious prank you could lie face down and pretend a giant had mugged you.
We're wondering if Nike thought this one up. We really wish that we could go to the designer of this bag and tell them "Just Don't Do It."
This Is Why You Gotta Know Your Audience
When someone was given the job to decorate the toilet for disabled people, all they said is "say no more, we got it."
Incidentally, these are the sports likely to get you disabled. So whoever made this should really be a bit more considerate to the people who are going to be using this bathroom.
A Must Have Socks For Quarantine
Hey everyone. Here is our new collection. Check out the latest thing from the How To Embarrass Your Kids line! Although we found it funny and a bit lame, you're welcome to love it as much as you can.
However, we have a feeling that this might trigger those who never understood this whole "no socks in the sandals" thing.
A Die-Hard Fan Of Bernie Sanders
We can't really figure out what's the reason behind this insane outfit. Is he a big fan of Bernie Sanders? Or did he lose a bet and is forced to walk around in this?
Who knows, maybe he's a fan of Donald Trump and he lost a bet. Whatever the reason is, we know one thing for sure that Mr. Sanders looks happy.
So Much For A Nice Childhood Memory
Kids love to play with toys and teddy bears. So, one parent decided to buy one toy online for their kid as well. This is how the bear came to their house.
We're pretty sure that it is enough to give nightmares to that unfortunate kid.
Are These Buildings Kissing Each Other?
In these COVID-19 times, one of the most important things to follow is social distancing. While everyone is trying their best to keep at least a six feet distance from others, it seems like these two buildings are madly in love with each other.
By the way, these buildings get fined every day for not following social distancing rules.
And There Goes The Eyes
Do you hate someone so much that you don't want them to interfere in your life? Here ya go, we are recommending that you serve them coffee or tea in this cup.
We’re joking. We won't recommend this cup to even someone who has been the absolute worst to you. Someone needs to buy all these mugs and then break them.
That's One Way To Lose Weight
If you are finding it difficult to lose weight, consider this idea that will surely help you lose both weight and probably some blood as well.
Or you can buy it and serve food to your mother-in-law the next time she comes to your home. You can thank us later
No More Back Pain
We can understand that COVID-19 has forced most people to work from home, but it doesn't mean that they should use awkward chairs for sitting while working. It looks super uncomfortable.
It just feels weird looking at her sitting at the very edge instead of just pulling the chair forward and sitting comfortably.
When You Love Meat Too Much
We have something awesome to tell you, so be ready. This is a “MEATing” place and we love it. Please say that our pun is fun just so that we don't make it more awkward.
By the way, this is natural quartz and it looks super cool. What do you think about it? Yay or Nay?
Why? Please Tell Us Why?
We all know what was going through the designer's mind when they came up with this one. So, do we really need to say more about it?
We don't know who will buy it but we have to admit that it can grab anyone's attention that enters the store.
This Is A Toe-Tally Cool Design
We don't know what will come next after this design. And please don't be Toe Toothpaste in Fungus flavor. Eww.
After seeing it, we highly doubt that you'll want this in your home. It is a big nope from us.
This Woman Is "Smoking Hot"
Any smoker out there can tell you that it is super difficult to quit smoking. Although you can quit smoking, you need to have the self-control to be able to do it.
But that self-control remains no more when you haven't smoked for a couple of days and you see a lady with some sort of a hat that has cigarettes on it. You can say goodbye to the idea of quitting after that.
Wow, That Serves The Purpose
A touch-less automatic faucet is an excellent addition to any bathroom, but only when it is working, right? Well, not in this case.

Here, the automatic faucet is working to some extent, but the problem is that it doesn't work when someone places their hand under it.
Another Cigarette Lover?
We don't think that the person who designed these curtains intended them to look like big cigarettes. We just feel that it's an innocent color combo that causes our minds to make associations where there are none intended.
Even if the intention was to make us think of cigarettes, we feel that the curtains don't really light up the place.
When You Miss Your Friends
One of the ways COVID-19 has affected us is that we can no longer hang out with our buddies. Although you can play online games with them, it is not as fun as going to a bar or restaurant and having a great time hanging out.
This person seems to miss their friend and, for now at least, they have no other option than this one. No matter how much they try to make it look cute, deep down we know that it is creepy.
Thanos Is That You?
It seems like Thanos snapped so hard that three of his fingers broke and fell off.
We can't say that we hate it because this is clearly a homemade project and honestly, they did a pretty good job. What do you think about it?
How To Get Killed By Police 101
No matter what you feel about police, there's no doubt that cops are going to get nervous when they see someone walking around with what looks like a pistol in their pocket.
We just hope that he used that awful phone case one time and then tossed it before something horrible happens.
The Collector
We don't know what to say about this. At first, we thought she's the wife of the Green Lantern (yeah that Ryan Reynolds' film that failed miserably at the box office).
One wonders how many times she has to open the box which is carrying her handbag. There's no doubt that it's frustrating for everyone when they're waiting behind her in line and she opens the box to take money out of her bag.
That's A Big Nope
How can someone come up with such a scary shoe design and then wear it for others to see? It seems like this person is a big fan of a domestic dog breed the Rottweiler.
Moreover, the shoes look uncomfortable as well. We can only hope that this person’s decision to wear these shoes doesn't come back to bite them in know what we mean.
When You Can't Go To A Barber
Due to COVID-19, most of us are stuck at home, and even going to a barber seems risky. So, people are having haircuts and beard trimmings at home.
This person wanted to come up with a new style and we have to admit that he achieved it. We won't say anything mean but you are more than welcome to say anything that comes to your mind.
A Little Too Red?
Would you want this in your home? We can only imagine that someone wanted it specifically for Halloween or something.
Given that it reminds us of horror movies, we would never want it in our homes no matter what.