Four Parrots, Please
In a world where everything is getting more and more expensive, Black Friday does offer a welcome respite on the financial front. Yup, we love to see a discount! But sometimes it's a little too easy to get swept up into the Black Friday mania and we end up buying things we don't need or want purely because the discount is just too good to ignore. In fact, this hilarious meme has summed it up perfectly.
Sure, most of us don't need or want a parrot, but how can anyone say no to 80% off?! It's just too good of an offer to pass up, so buying four makes total sense.
Do You Really Need That, Hmm?
We've never seen a truer meme - and that's mostly because people know they shouldn't get so carried away with Black Friday. But does that stop them from scratching out the competitors to get the last Xbox? No, it doesn't. Although everyone knows that Black Friday is more of a con than anything else, the pull of the deal is just too much. Even when you don't have a lot of money to your name.
Although these pant pockets are definitely judging the person who decided to spend their last remaining dollars on something stupid, they also sum up how most people feel inside after Black Friday shopping.
Bills Don't Exist on Black Friday
The hype around Black Friday is so loud that most people feel like they should buy something in the sale to feel as though they're a part of something - but this isn't always the smartest move. After all, everyone has bills to pay and mouths to feed, and spending your last $50 on a brand-new television when your electric is going to be shut off isn't the kind of move you want to be taking.
However, so many people still continue to do this every year - even if they do have the white cat on the right at the back of their minds when they're whipping out the credit card.
A Black Friday for the Essentials, Please
We'd like to meet this man and shake his hand, because he's a man of ideas - and good ones at that. After all, a Black Friday where they heavily discount houses, heating bills and therapists would provide the human race with the things that they actually need rather than just what they want. And while we wholeheartedly support this motion, we can't help but think that this one should be reserved for online shopping.
Just imagine the chaos if a three-bed condo with ocean views had its price slashed by half or Dr. Beckman decided to offer sessions for just $10! There'd be riots.
Where's the Discounted Avocados, Huh?
Let's be honest; most of us spend more money on groceries than TVs, game consoles, and VR headstarts. Sure, these electronic items are more expensive in the short term, but when you grocery shop every week, all those receipts quickly add up. So, when will Whole Foods and Walmart start discounting their avocados, cereal, and potato chips? It's time to give the people what they really want - and that's discounted food.
And while we're well and truly on Lulu's side with this one, we do have one concern. If people are willing to wrestle over a PS4, what would they do if Diet Coke was reduced to 10 cents a can?!
Get the Popcorn Out
These big retailers probably make more money on Black Friday than they do for the rest of the year, and we can't help but think that they need to give something back to the people. Sure, they heavily discount products on one singular day of the year, but is that really enough? We think not. We think they should do exactly what this person says and open an observation desk at Walmart - bar and popcorn included.
This would give spectators the chance to watch the chaos unfold from the safety of the desk, and it would be golden! In fact, they might as well get the TV cameras out, too - because it'll be award-winning.
Keep Calm, Moms
You probably don't need us to tell you that the people who win big on Black Friday are the ones who are ruthless, cutthroat, and all about themselves. And while these are the traits you need in order to stock up on discounted cookers and bathroom suites, it's always the ones that you least expect that pull out all the stops on Black Friday. Take this guy's mom, for instance.
On paper, we bet this guy's mom is a small, polite older woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. But when Black Friday comes around, she summons her inner menace and lets loose...
While Everyone Shops, Some People Snooze
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who love Black Friday and those who could care less. And we're going to assume that the person who made this meme is part of the latter category - and we don't blame them, to be honest. Although we love grabbing a bargain as much as the next guy (who really loves a bargain), sometimes the deals just aren't worth it.
Considering the Black Friday chaos that ensues every year, these people probably luck out more than those who manage to buy a new refrigerator for $50. After all, they get to wake up fresh-faced and bruise-less.
Now That's a Bear-Y Clever Distraction
The people who grab their tents and camp out ahead of Black Friday are normally the people you need to look out for on Black Friday. Their determination to sleep out in the cold proves that they'll stop at nothing to stock up in the sales, and they probably spend their evenings in their tent practising their elbow strikes. But this meme proves they're not the only ones with a mean bite!
We don't know whether this bear was an anti-Black Friday protestor or a Black Friday shopper trying to distract those in their tents, but one thing we do know is that we're obsessed with them.
The Math Isn't Mathing
Black Friday is apparently the time to grab the biggest deals and discounts of the year, but have we all been lulled into a false sense of security? This meme seems to clarify what we've all secretly been concerned about - that we're not getting the deal we hope we are. That's because retailers often manipulate the prices just before Black Friday to make it seem as though the Black Friday deal is the best you can get.
So, while it seems as though we're getting these items for half or even one-quarter of the price, the reality is that we're barely getting any discount at all. But it seems to make everyone happy, so that's all that matters.
Watch Out for the Zombies
This meme is scarily accurate, and those who have both seen Dawn of the Dead and worked a Black Friday shift will know exactly what we're on about. After all, shoppers seem to lose all sense of self when they stand outside the stores waiting for the doors to open - and everyone wants to be the first in to claim the prize. Thankfully, it's not a human body on Black Friday.
Hats off to the people who have to work Black Friday, as you've got to have thick skin for that kind of job. Which, incidentally, is good to have if there are real zombies around.
Forever Thankful for Consumerism
The irony of Black Friday is not lost on some people, y'know. And while the world can't say no to a discount, there's something so hilarious about the fact that those same people pushing and shoving their way to the cashier to buy a 75% off iPhone are the same people who were expressing their thanks and gratitude for their family and loved ones less than 24 hours before they started throwing their weight around.

But we guess it's possible to be thankful for two different things at once. You can be grateful for your friends and family, but there's also room to be thankful for consumerism!
The Highest Form of Self-Care
For some people, Black Friday is the ultimate form of self-care - and we get it. During the winter months, you can spend so much of your time and money making food for other people during Thanksgiving potlucks and buying presents for Christmas that you often forget to take time to enjoy life yourself. So, Black Friday is their chance to buy themselves what they've always wanted - and why not?
Well, one potential 'why not' is then not having enough money to buy anything for anyone else. But that's a problem for future you to worry about nearer the time.
It's Essentially the Real-Life Hunger Games
Let's be honest; you can't just rock up to a Black Friday sale and hope for the best. As this meme suggests, shopping during Black Friday is like the real-life Hunger Games - and the stores (and other shoppers) don't want the odds to be in your favor. So, if you want to win, you need to prepare for this event as though it's a marathon or an undercover sting operation.
From scouting out the products you want to buy to heading to the stores a few days before to figure out the layouts, Black Friday is all about outsmarting the other contestants. So, good luck.
Listen Up, Amateur Videographers
We're convinced that a large portion of the people who push and shove their way into stores on Black Friday only do so because they want to witness the chaos for themselves. In fact, we bet they don't even need or want anything. Instead, they just want to stand amidst the wrestling and fighting and serve as amateur videographers for the day. We don't blame them, of course, but they need to up their skills.
Too many people video Black Friday chaos in portrait mode, and that just misses so much of the action! Real people know that horizontal videos of fights are where the real action is at.
Get the Fluff Out of the Way
Okay, we're pretty sure that this is Photoshop, but it's still pretty hilarious, right?! This meme perfectly sums up the chaos of Black Friday, but we have to say that we're happy dogs aren't allowed into stores on Black Friday. This isn't just for their own safety but also for the safety of the shoppers around them. After all, many TV boxes have tennis balls on them... and dogs can't control themselves around tennis balls.
So, this visual representation is probably accurate - but who can blame this doggo, really? 70% discount is a bargain that you just can't ignore when it's staring you in the face.
Time to Click Unsubscribe
You probably don't need us to tell you that the run-up to Black Friday is a HUGE time for email marketers. And while these guys are just doing their jobs, it would be great if they could just... stop. The amount of emails we receive on a daily basis is bad enough without throwing Black Friday deals emails into the mix, and it can be pretty overwhelming. This woman has a good point, though.
You know that little button at the top of your email? The one that says Unsubscribe? Yep, that little guy is going to be your best friend in the next few weeks.
Happy Black Friday!
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? If you're an extrovert, you probably think nothing of jostling Black Friday shoppers out of the way so you can buy the last blender on the shelf - even if you've never had a smoothie or made soup in your life. But if you're an introvert, you're probably going to do exactly what this woman likes to do; stay in her house and avoid people.
Have these people not heard of online shopping?! Why put yourself through the (literal) pain of shopping in-store when you could just order online instead and not leave your bed?
Sure Am, but Still Want an XBOX
This meme perfectly sums up everything that's wrong with Black Friday. Yep, we get that stores want to create a sense of panic and urge people to buy things in the run-up to Christmas, but couldn't they have just waited a few days? Choosing to slash the prices of electronics and other items the day after Thanksgiving seems to overshadow the Turkey holiday and our thanks for the simple things in life.
That's why it's so funny to be on social media during this time. One minute people are praising their loved ones and being lucky enough to have a roof over their heads, next minute they're filling their shopping carts with 10 blenders.
Let's Go Camping
One of the funniest things about Black Friday is the fact that people quite literally camp outside of Walmart or Target hours before the store opens. Yep, they leave their Thanksgiving dinner early to sit out in the freezing cold in the hopes that they'll be able to score discounts before anyone else. And while the theory of this certainly seems to work in their favor, most people don't have tents before this.
So, as this meme says, they end up spending $300 on a tent to do the Black Friday shopping, and the $50 they save during their Black Friday shopping is pretty pointless. But what do we know?
Well Done, Syl
Let's be honest; people are mean. And Black Friday seems to be the one day of the year where mean people all come together for their own personal gain, pushing and shoving other people out of the way to get the discounts they want. This can result in broken bones, black eyes, scratches, and gouged eyeballs - and Sylvester Stallone knows exactly what's up. In fact, even Rocky struggles on Black Friday.
This meme sums up what a lot of people look like after a day of Black Friday shopping. Sure, they bagged the TV, but is a TV worth it when you look like you've gone through 10 rounds with Mike Tyson?
Discounts Before Debts, Y'all
The thing about Black Friday is that people love to shout about their Black Friday plans. They post pictures of their camp-out situation on Facebook, they show off their dream Black Friday wishlist, and they film their whole experience in the store. And while that's all well and good if you have the money to buy these things, what about the people who owe other people money? That's just not cool, man.
When Black Friday comes around, discounts always come before debts - which can be pretty annoying for the people still waiting on the $50 they loaned out six months ago.
There's Just No Escape
If you often feel like the young girl with her hands over her ears during Black Friday, we have a hack for you: just turn your phone off! After all, Black Friday emails come in thick and fast during this time, and they'll quickly blow up your phone if you let them. And if you don't want or need anything and don't want to sell out to the big corporations during this time, just turn your phone off.
Better yet, just throw it over the ocean and move to a remote cabin in the woods! That's the only way to get Black Friday out of your life for good.
Prepare for Battle
Everyone always talks about the shoppers who make it their mission to track down the best deals during Black Friday, but let's just take a moment to appreciate the people who have no choice but to work on this chaotic day. Not only does that mean that they miss out on deals themselves, but it also means that they have to try and control the animals fighting for flat-screen TVs.
We dread to think how it feels when you stare at the barrage of people waiting for you to open the doors and let the madness commence, and those people really do deserve a medal.
Gotta Put Those Priorities in Check
Black Friday should be studied by the world's top scientists and psychologists because the whole thing is just downright wild. If you've ever shopped in-person on this day, you'll know that people turn into animals as they push and shove people out of the way and climb store shelves in an effort to grab 85% off the item they want. And the number of people who turn up! It's absolute madness.
In fact, this meme showcases a sad point when it comes to Black Friday. Although people turn up in their thousands to buy things they don't really need, they won't turn up to the events that are actually important.
Wakey Wakey, It's Deals Time
Everyone knows that to get the best deals on Black Friday you need to be at the store early - and we're not just talking as soon as the stores open kind of early. You need to be there before the store opens, so you can get to the front of the line and run in as soon as the doors open. This means waking up pretty early, something that must of us hate to do on a regular day.
But all of the rules go out the window on Black Friday! Want us to wake up at 3am to sit outside in the cold for hours? You betcha if there's an Xbox on the other side.
Sorry in Advance, Earth
Not a day goes past when we aren't reminded of the stress our planet is under. From changing weather patterns to scientists' scary predictions, the signs are all there - and we all try to play our part where our planet is concerned. However, that all seems to go out of the window when Black Friday comes along. Sure, we know we shouldn't buy 10 discounted vacuum cleaners, but the stores just make the offers seem so enticing!
So, we guess we'll just have to leave it to the celebrities to stop riding in their private jets and heading off on 20 vacations a year. We might tone things down a bit, though.
Doors Not Open yet? No Problem
If you've ever been at the front of the line on Black Friday, you'll probably relate to this meme a lot. And while your intentions were probably to wait for the doors to open patiently, this all goes out of the window when more people start to arrive, and the anticipation builds. Sure, everyone could wait for the doors to open at the time they should open, but pushing a wall of people into the doors is a much better idea, right?
In fact, we couldn't think of anything worse than being at the front of the line as you'll just end up being squished into the glass so much that you'll start to levitate. And that doesn't sound fun.
Peaceful Shmeaceful
This meme is equal parts adorable and scary, and it perfectly sums up what Black Friday is all about. After all, there's nothing better than seeing the smile on your kids' faces when you manage to get their favorite game console or toy for a fraction of the RRP, but getting the gift in the bag is an ordeal in itself. You need to be forceful and ruthless, and peace is never an option.
We don't know how this duck would get on with a butter knife amidst pointy elbows, long fingernails, and hefty purses, but we admire his determination to bag a bargain on Black Friday.
You Can't See Me!
Most people don't know what they're going to buy on Black Friday until they get into the store and see what's on sale. But even if they grab what they want, there's no guarantee that it'll be theirs. People love to push, fight, and grab things from your hands - and that can be messy. It's not until you get to the cashier and pay for your Black Friday purchases that you can breathe again.
Of course, by that point, you're probably a shell of your former self. And as this meme suggests, you might even have a purple shiner like John Cena to show for it.
Bigger Is Always Better
Although some people choose to wait until they've finished their Thanksgiving dinner to camp out for the Black Friday sales, there are others who forego the turkey holiday completely in an effort to get to the front of the line. But is that really what our ancestors wanted from us? This meme says what we're all thinking because most people don't really need to add a new TV to their home.
Of course, we totally get that bigger is always better - especially when it comes to TVs - but missing a lovely holiday for an extra two inches just seems like a waste.
It Just Goes on and on and on and on
Hands up if you've ever worked Black Friday? Well, we feel your pain. The chaos and the madness that ensues on that day is unlike anything else, and we give serious kudos to the workers who have to deal with crazed shoppers for hours on end. And this meme sums it up perfectly. On Black Friday, an 8-hour shift feels like a 24-hour shift that just goes on and on and on and on and on...
So, next time you head out to stock up on your Black Friday deals, make sure you spare a thought for the workers who will probably have nightmares about that day for the rest of their lives!
It Just Keeps Getting Better
If you don't manage to score any deals this Black Friday, don't worry! You have a couple of days to recoup before you can head back into the store for Cyber Monday deals - and there will be plenty. Yes, while Black Friday was once a deals day by itself, the retailers of the world decided to go one step further and add Cyber Monday into the mix. For that, we'd like to say thank you.
However, we'd also like to demand an apology. As this meme suggests, most people can't resist the Cyber Monday deals either! So, our wallets just end up crying after a long weekend of spending.
It's Just Not Happening
Some people put money aside throughout the year in preparation for Black Friday, allowing them to buy discounted products without putting themselves into debt in the process. But other people head into the stores with $50 in their bank account and their wave their credit card in the air like they really just don't care - and this meme sums up what their bank account thinks when they do that.
Sure, most people can't technically afford to go all out in the Black Friday sales, but do you think that's going to stop them? Because we definitely don't think it will.
Better to Ask for Forgiveness
A lot of the time, you don't know what's going to be in the Black Friday sale until the day itself - which means that you can't really plan what you want to buy. This spontaneity can be expensive, though, as you soon find yourself wanting to buy one of everything as you make your way into the store. Because of this, many people rely on their credit cards to fund their Black Friday shopping.
While there's nothing technically wrong with this if you can pay it back quickly enough, the whole thing can also be stressful when you get off that Black Friday high.
What Rules?
On Black Friday, all rules go out of the window. It doesn't matter if you're the biggest law-abiding citizen around; there's something about Black Friday that makes everyone and everything descend into madness. And this meme proves that it starts as soon as you rock up to the store - even if there aren't any parking spaces left. As long as you can park it somewhere, that's good enough for Black Friday!
This person made the smart decision to head out in their small Smart car, too, so they had even more chances to hide their vehicle out of the way. Work smarter, not harder, people.
Gotta Have Your Wits About You
It takes a certain kind of person to successfully shop during Black Friday sales. If you're of a sunny disposition and like to hold the door open for everyone, you're not going to survive - metaphorically, of course. To win on Black Friday, you need to have your wits about you and be ruthless. After all, it's every man for themselves as soon as those doors open and the cashiers take their seats.
You could say that the whole day is like real-life The Walking Dead, but instead of fighting off zombies, you're fighting off people who really, really want to buy a new refrigerator.