A Drawing From "Office Space"
There are a couple of different drawings on this list, but this might be one of our favorites. Someone drew a scene from the movie, "Office Space," and if you've ever seen it, then you know this meme sums up people who park without consideration for others perfectly. We just wish we knew if this took place in an office parking lot or if it was just a random parking space somewhere.
Either way, it can be super frustrating when someone parks in your spot and then you have to drive around for half an hour in search of a new one.
Welcome To The League
Parking is a really big issue in some places, as exemplified by these business cards. Someone went through the trouble of having these made, and they probably don't hesitate to use them every time they see a car that isn't parked as it should be. There's probably a whole club of people who have these, and who knows, maybe they even meet up once a week or something to talk about their parking jobs.
Honestly, we'd be a little disappointed if that didn't happen. Either way though, it's pretty hilarious that someone goes through the trouble of carrying these around with them wherever they go.
Sorry, Not Sorry
There's no evidence that the person who found this note on their car was at fault since the person who left the note didn't mention their parking job. They did say that the reason they were leaving a note without their number or contact information was because the person who's car they hit looked rich, probably because of the type of car it was. Either way, they figured the person could afford it.
That may or may not be true, but unless there were cameras around, the person who got the note is going to end up having to pay for the damage on their own.
A Meme For Bad Drivers
While most people are content to just leave an angry note when someone parks in a really annoying position, others take it a step further. Someone went through the trouble of making this meme and then printing it out and leaving it on someone else's car to find when they got back. It's not even really an "angry" note, at least not compared to a lot of others on this list.
It's more of a fun little message asking the driver to think about their actions and to take other people into account the next time they go to park their car.
A Heartfelt Plea To Whoever Is Writing Tickets
This is one of the few notes on this list that was left by the driver of the car, and from the looks of it, they've been ticketed a lot. They're basically pleading for some mercy, and we totally get it. They're probably not able to park somewhere else, or they would've if they were willing to go far enough to leave a note to try and avoid being ticketed.
They're probably parking on campus somewhere in order to get to class and their parking sticker expired without them realizing it, so now they have to wait for a new one to come in.
Staying In The Lines Takes Practice
This is probably one of the best notes on this list. The writer didn't leave a note filled with dirty language, and they didn't have the owner's car towed. But they did leave a note acknowledging how hard it is to stay in the lines and even included a little turtle so that the driver could practice coloring in the lines. It works for children, so there's no reason to think it wouldn't work for adults.
Jokes aside, this is one of the sickest burns on this list, and we're betting that it probably works a lot better than leaving a note filled with expletives.
Who Could Pass Up This Opportunity?
We've all thought about how cool it would be to slide across the hood of a car. It's the same as sliding down a banister. Whoever left this note got their wish multiple times from the looks of the note. Someone must've been parking right in front of the sidewalk or in front of someone's driveway. The person who left the note is about to lose their chance to slide across this car's hood.
But we bet that this car won't be parked so rudely in the future unless they happen to like new dents and scratches all over the hood of their car.
There, Someone Fixed This Parking Job
You know you've done a lousy job of parking when you come back, and someone else has drawn parking spot lines just for your car. That's what happened here. It looks like whoever parked here didn't even try to park between the lines. They actually parked right on top of them, taking up two spots. Luckily, someone came along and created a parking spot just for them using what looks like chalk.
This probably won't dissuade this person from parking like this again, since they don't seem to care but it might give them pause next time they decide to park like this.
Never Park In Front Of Driveways
It's not super uncommon to find someone who's parked as they've never seen a parking space in their life, but it is pretty uncommon to find a car parked in front of a driveway. That's because it's the quickest way to get towed, and you've basically kept someone from leaving or getting into their home. This person thought it was a smart idea to block someone's driveway, and they came back to this note.
Honestly, they probably deserved to have their car towed, but the owner of the house settled for an angry note. Most people aren't nearly as patient when it comes to stuff like this.
A Not-So-Nice Drawing
This one is less of an angry note and more of a diagram showing the driver what this person thinks of them. They drew a little picture of a skeleton without a brain, comparing the driver to the skeleton in the picture. It's pretty funny, and whoever drew the picture actually has some drawing skills, especially considering it probably only took them a couple of minutes to draw the whole thing.
Not only that, but it's also pretty creative and a good way to get your point across. Although, it's unclear if the message ended up being received or not.
Why Bring Stevie Wonder Into It?
We get that this person was frustrated, but why bring Stevie Wonder into it? This person left a note on someone's car commenting on their parking. They're basically saying that this person must be blind if this is the way they park. Unfortunately, they didn't include a photo of the car and the parking space, but the note kind of speaks for itself. The parking job must've been really bad.
We're sure the note got its point across, and whoever found it thought it was funny enough to post online, but that does make us wonder if they took it seriously enough to pay more attention to their parking.
Grumpy Cat Has Spoken
Here's another angry person with a lot of artistic talent. Not only did they leave an angry note, but they drew a pretty good picture of a cat. All of the notes on this list are worth keeping, but this might be one of the few worth framing since the cat is so well drawn. They're also really lucky that their car wasn't towed, and the person who wrote the note said as much.
But we doubt that grumpy cat is going to be as forgiving in the future, so it's best they don't continue to park here and test their luck.
This Person Received A Special Gift For Their Parking
This might be the only angry note on this list that actually came with something useful, even if the note was a little harsh. Someone obviously took offense to this person's lousy parking, so they left a not-so-nice note, but they also left a condom, asking that the person use it to avoid reproducing. It's a very angry note, which makes us wonder just how bad this parking job actually was.
It had to be really bad. Either way, this one might actually be a win for the driver since not only did they not get towed, but they actually got something out of parking badly.
In Case Someone Needed Instructions On How To Park
This person had the right idea when they came up with this note. Instead of leaving an angry note, telling the driver how lousy they were when parking their car, they decided to create and print out this informative diagram, showing them what it looks like when someone parks as they should. It even says, "I hope this helps you get oriented," right there at the bottom of the note.
It also looks like this entire thing probably took a long time to prepare, so we imagine there's just a stack of them lying somewhere, just waiting to be taped to windows.
An Angry Note Collage
This person felt that one angry note wasn't enough to convey their frustration, so they decided to leave a lot of angry notes. When put together, these notes make up some pretty choice words for whoever decided to park here. It's hard to tell just how lousy of a parking job this was, but it must've been pretty bad for this person to go through all the trouble of leaving these notes.
They had to go out and find not one, but multiple pieces of paper, then write their message on all those different pieces, and then tape it all to the windshield.
This Is What Happens When Mickey Mouse Enters Public Domain
Mickey Mouse is probably one of the most recognizable cartoon characters in the world, so it's a bit weird seeing him flipping someone off. Someone went through the trouble of making this card and left it on a driver's window because they did a lousy job of parking. It even suggests that the driver take a bus at the bottom of the card. It's actually really funny, but it also feels so wrong.
Hopefully, whoever received this card learned their lesson when it comes to parking badly because it's a terrifying sight seeing Mickey flipping you off, especially because you chose to park badly.
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn
There are people who really, really care about getting a ticket, and then there are people like this. This driver knew he was going to get more tickets, so they taped up a sign daring the ticket officer to go ahead and write them another ticket. And they made sure to display all of the tickets they currently have on their dashboard. Honestly, it's a really big move and we respect it.
Of course, they're probably going to have their driver's license revoked, but we're guessing from this photo that they probably don't really care, and they'll continue driving anyway.
A Nice Instructional Note And Message
This writer was able to let out their frustration and still provide some helpful tips at the bottom of the note. They're not the best artist on this list, nor are they the best writer, but it was nice of them to show the driver how someone should park. However, we have to say that the little diagram at the bottom isn't the easiest to understand, especially compared to others on this list.

Hopefully, though, the driver was able to figure out what they did wrong and made sure not to do it again the next time they drove and parked somewhere.
Manners Are Important, Especially When Parking
Manners are important in life, no matter where you are, but they're extra important when it comes to parking. Make sure to always take other people into account when you park, or you might come back to a note like this. This person obviously had to try and get their car out of a really tight spot after someone decided to park extremely close to their car while they were away.
They probably weren't even really able to open their door and get into their car since they left something in the note saying that they weren't used to being packed into a spot like a sardine.
Just Please Stop
Sometimes, the simplest notes are best at getting the point across. Instead of writing a really long letter, this person simply left a note letting the driver know that they were parking like a jerk and not to do it again. There's even something kind of charming about its simplicity. Hopefully, the point got through and this person is going to reconsider their actions in the future if they don't want to be a jerk.

Then again, sometimes it's no use, and some people just enjoy being jerks. Still, it was probably really hard to completely ignore the note in this photo. At least, we hope so.
Whoever Wrote This Is A Natural Poet
It isn't the most elegant note on this list, but there's just something that's really charming about it in spite of the last part. We also totally get it. From the words in the note, we can make an educated guess that a neighbor was parking right in front of this person's driveway, preventing them from leaving their house. That's not just being bad at parking, it's being really inconsiderate.
Hopefully, after getting this very poetic note, the person who was parking in front of the driveway got the idea and started parking somewhere that didn't block in their neighbor.
Catching A Lucky Break
It's really not uncommon for someone to have their car towed if they're taking up someone else's space, so this person really caught a lucky break. They avoided having to pay a huge fee to have their car released and going through all the trouble to find it. Whoever left the note said they were too tired to call the tow truck, but to watch out the next time they park in their space.

Again, we can't stress how much of a lucky break this was, and if you've ever had your vehicle towed, then you know how expensive and how much of a hassle it can be.
Don't Even Bother Breaking Into This Car
The only thing worse than having your car towed or being ticketed for a parking offense is coming back and finding your window broken. That's what happened here, but obviously, the driver didn't have anything of value in the car. They even made sure to tape the window up with a note saying as much in case any thieves saw the broken window and thought the car was an easy target.
The situation sucks, but the owner of the car went about it the right way. Sometimes, the only way to deal with stuff like this is to stare the situation right in the face and write a funny note.
Autobots Rollout
Here's another note with a great sense of humor and even a little bit of art. Someone left this note to show that they disapproved of this person's parking job and that Optimus Prime would disapprove as well. Considering most transformers take the form of a car and can probably park pretty well, it actually works. It's also just really hilarious. The person who found the note must've been amused too, since they uploaded it online.
Whoever wrote the note even drew a little face on the bottom right corner, depicting Optimus Prime. It's definitely a better way to handle people who park however they want.
A Polite Note To The Owner Of The Creepy Van
We're not sure how we feel about the note. On one hand, we totally get it. Nobody wants a creepy van parked right in front of their house. Not only would it creep you out, but if the cops suddenly started looking for creepy vans, which they often are, then you're going to be suspect number one. However, the owner probably can't control what kind of vehicle they're able to afford.
Still, the note is nice and the person who owns the van probably knows that it's creepy, or else they wouldn't have uploaded the note to the internet and had a laugh about it.
Going The Extra Mile
Most people are pretty content to leave a note when they find someone's parking really annoying, but this person is not one of those people. We wish we knew the backstory because there's probably a lot going on here. There had to have been for someone to go to such lengths to get their message across. They tied balloons to this person's windshield wipers and even filled their entire car with more party balloons.
However, the cherry on top is the note. But this does beg the question of how the person who did this managed to get inside the driver's car and place everything in there.
How Not To Be Robbed
If you're going around breaking into cars for valuables and you come across this note, and then you still decide to break into this car, then there's probably no hope for you. This person's window wouldn't roll up, so they decided to write a note and tell anyone who might be tempted that there's nothing of value in the car, unless, of course, you count the baby wipes stored in the trunk.

Even then, they asked that whoever breaks in to steal baby wipes only take one since there might be other deviants in need of baby wipes for whatever reason.
Better To Find Another Place To Park
If you live somewhere it tends to snow a lot, then you probably know what it feels like to shovel snow for hours, only to have someone drive up and park in the spot you've just cleared. It's not a great feeling, and this person let the owner of this car know that they didn't appreciate it. They spent a lot of time clearing the spot so that their family members could park there.
They left this person a note letting them know not to park here anymore, and they're completely right. It's probably better that this driver find another spot to park in the future.
This Note Got A Little Personal
There are mean notes, and then there's this. This person's car alarm was going off all day, which is definitely annoying, but someone was annoyed so much that they left this angry, but still pretty hilarious note. They called this person's car alarm "hair trigger" and then went on to say that they should turn it off because nobody is going to take the time to steal a car like this.
They might be right, but we're guessing that the last part probably hit the owner of the car pretty hard. Some people really love their vehicles, even if they are a bit... undesirable.
This Person's Entire Day Was Ruined
Here's another angry note left by someone who wanted to let a driver know they ruined their entire day. The car this was placed on was very nice, or at least, that's what the note says. Because the car was parked here, this person had to walk from a couple of blocks away in the scorching sun, and their ice cream ended up ruining because of it, which was probably very annoying.
There's nothing worse than buying ice cream and then ruining it before you're able to get it home and put it in the freezer, since you just know this person was looking forward to having some when they got home.
Whoever Wrote This Was Obviously Frustrated
Sometimes, writing an angry note is more about you than about the person you're leaving it for. This looks like one of those notes. It reads like someone was just trying to express their frustration and like they achieved just that in this note. There's no holding back here and this person wanted the driver to know exactly how they felt when they wrote the note and left it on the windshield.

Either way, we're sure they felt much better after writing their note and venting a bit. The driver of the car probably not so much, though, when they got back and found the note.
An Award For Their Alarm
There's nothing much more annoying than having to sit around listening to a car alarm blare for hours unless that alarm is blaring while you're trying to go to bed. That's what happened here, and honestly, we completely understand placing a note on someone's car if you weren't able to get any sleep the night before because of a car alarm. But how does something like this even happen?
You'd think that if the alarm was keeping all of the neighbors up, then whoever owned the car would've heard it and went outside and shut it off before it woke everyone up.
Detailed Instructions Of What Not To Do
When it comes to notes with instructions, this is one of our favorites. They drew the instructions for someone who parked in front of their driveway, and they were extremely detailed, even going as far as to label the offender's vehicle, which looks like a bus for some reason. Anyway, they made it very clear what you shouldn't do and why when it comes to parking on the street. The lesson here is not to park in front of people's driveway.
In all seriousness, though, this note is great, and we can just imagine the frustration the person must've been feeling when they were drawing this note up. It's really smug but in a funny way.
This Note Fires Shots At Chevy
There are only a couple of notes on this list that really target the driver's car, but this is definitely one of them. Someone really doesn't like Chevy. They left a note saying that the owner's Chevy doesn't deserve a single parking spot, much less two, which is apparently how the driver parked. They went on to say that they should've bought a Ford instead, which is pretty funny.

Of course, it doesn't really matter what kind of car or truck you drive; you probably shouldn't take up two parking spots. It's just not a good look and you're likely to receive a note.
There's Too Much Information In This Note
This is one of the few notes on this list that isn't even really angry. The person who wrote it just decided to give the driver of the car more information than they probably wanted. They wrote that there were two squirrels mating on the driver's car, which in addition to just being a really weird thing to imagine, is also probably something you don't want to know about your car.
We mean, it's your car, so you don't really want to know that two squirrels violated it while you were in the grocery store grabbing some milk and bread.