This article was originally published on OpossumSauce
Angelic Firefighter
Not all heroes wear capes; some, like this firefighter, wear wings. Okay, fine, so he's not actually wearing wings. Someone just happened to capture this firefighter at the perfect moment as he was going up (or down) a ladder while on duty. This photo perfectly depicts firefighters as angels. Maybe "guardian angels" would be a more fitting term since these brave men and women risk their lives to save others.
We hope whoever is the subject of this photo knows that they were captured in such an iconic moment. If we were them or their family, we'd want this framed!
Winning the Ignoring Competition
Wow! Check out this gymnast's formation - he is as flat as a table! Too bad none of the judges were looking. We are not sure why two rows of judges are ignoring the gymnast here. Maybe they were taking notes about something good - or bad - that the gymnist did a moment before this. But if that's the case, they should really consider taking turns jotting things down because now they're all missing this epic moment!
What are the odds that every single judge was looking down at the same time? Some say that the judges thought they were in a competition for “Best Ignorers” in the world.
Many of the photos on this list are a case of someone being in the right place at the right time. But in the case of the photo below, there had to have been two people in the right place at the right time. Not only was the photographer at the perfect spot to capture this beauty, but the girl photographed was also meant to be there at that moment.
That the color of her coat matches the angelic wings is a hint from the universe that this was all meant to be. The person who took this picture knew how to get a photo taken at the right moment.
Mesmerizing Wave
Humans have been mesmerized by water and its power, at least since the moment we started recording history. And it's not hard to see why - just glance at the gorgeous photo below! If you ask us, this mind-blowing picture is worthy of winning some photography awards. Some camera genius was having a lovely day at the beach when they captured this baby wave that looks humongous when photographed from the right angle.
Oh, the oceans and seas and beaches. These stunning places seem to be showing off their beauty constantly, don't they? We get it; we get it - you're beautiful!
When Toilet is Calling You
Wow - to think we have a regular old toilet at home while whoever owns this toilet is going to the bathroom on a divine set of plumbing. Just look at this toilet - it's clearly a godly one. What else would explain the light shining so perfectly out from inside of it? Or maybe it's a secret, magic portal to a whole other world. The possibilities are endless.
Maybe it is not like this at all hours of the day. But, when the light comes shining out from within (because it's totally not coming from the window), the portal to a parallel universe is open.
The Struggles of a Substitute Teacher
The struggle is real for this substitute teacher. We've all been there - some of us on both sides of this situation. We've all been the students excited to act out slightly when the teacher is gone and the substitute is in the class, and some of us may have also been the substitute feeling the students' wrath. And if that was ever you, we hope you at least got a hilarious photo like this to commemorate the tough but unforgettable times.
His facial expressions and the word "Help" projected across his forehead could not have made for a more perfectly timed photo. Luckily someone captured it before it disappeared!
A Perfect Sunset
Wow - did a more perfect sunset ever exist? Everything about this photo is picture-perfect: the sun is completely unblocked by any clouds, the fiery orange is reflected on the beach shore, and, of course, the sun somehow landed right in between all the columns holding up this pier. So where exactly can you find such a stunning view? In sunny La Jolla, California, of course. But there's a catch.
The sun only sets in this exact position twice a year. Yep, that's right. So imagine how crowded that beach must get during those two evenings a year!
Lightning & Rainbow
Rainbows aren't the most uncommon phenomenon, but it's hard not to get a little excited whenever you spot one in the wild. No matter what, there's always something magical about them. So the odds of seeing a lightning strike go right through a rainbow like this feel very low - and capturing it must've felt super special. But there's something else in this picture that makes it even wilder.
Do you see that slight interruption in the lightning as it comes down through the rainbow? That's because there's a plane right there. Yep, a plane was hit by lightning while passing through a rainbow.
“But First, Let Me Take a Selfie”
We had no idea that falcons have evolved to use smartphones; they particularly seem to like Apple iPhones! Okay, fine, this isn't a falcon taking a cute selfie to send to their crush. But maybe it's even better. The person who snapped this photo happened to be sitting by these windows, staring out at the city, when this falcon came and took a seat right in front of them.
And while the human who took the photo was certainly shocked by the series of events, it looks like the falcon was also quite caught off guard. Just look at its eyes!
Tree of Life
We can only imagine how the photographer felt after capturing this fantastic photo. Even in their wildest dreams, we bet they didn't imagine the end product would be the stunning masterpiece we see below. We are speechless. It is a once-in-a-lifetime capture: the way the sun is coming through the leaves in that exact second, the way the light reflected everywhere and was captured by the camera lens. It's all stunning.
The online world agreed that the tree in this photo looks like a “Tree of Life.” This image surely reminds us how beautiful nature can be if we just take the time to take it all in.
Aladdin Has Aged Now
Want to come and take a ride on Grandpa Aladdin's Magic Carpet? That's obviously what this photo captured - an aging Aladdin taking a ride on his famous carpet. It's nice to see him have a change of scenery from the usual desert. But on a serious note - what this photo captured is actually even more unique than Aladdin's carpet. Don't believe us? Take a closer look, and you'll understand why.
What are the odds that someone captured this guy on his sled right as the sled jumped into the air and at the exact moment where you can see the look of disbelief (and perhaps regret) on the sledder's face?
A Cat With Six Packs
Anyone who has ever kept a cat knows that these little fluff balls love boxes or anything they can fit into. They like to be cozy, and who can blame them? But this cat made its owner laugh harder than usual when they chose an Abercrombie and Fitch bag as its next rest stop. Anyone familiar with the retail chain knows their bags notoriously come with shirtless men pictured on them.
So when this little kitty climbed into the bag and poked just his nose and eyes out, it was the perfect combination of cat eyes and a sick pack.
Truck Stealing The Sun
Spotted: planet Earth's main star taking a break in the back of a truck. Even the sun's got to rest sometimes - you'd be tired, too, if you spent all day keeping the planet warm and lit! We're just glad to see the sun get the rest, vacation, and respect it deserves. Or could it be that the sun actually never sets, and every day gets picked up by a truck and taken away for the night?
Or what if the sun is getting stolen?! Well, whether the truck was trying to steal the sun or not, it is a perfectly timed photo that deserves a spot on this list.
Perfect Hair
If you've ever been around little kids or toddlers, you probably know they love playing dress up. And it looks like humans aren't the only creature in the animal kingdom who like to snoop through their parents' clothing and accessories to play adults - horses like to pretend to be grown-ups too! At least, that's the vibe we get when looking at this photo of a mommy horse and her foal.
Just look at how the baby uses their mom's tail as a wig. We can imagine this foal can't wait to grow up and be like its mama. Maybe it was a silly mistake, but this perfectly timed photo makes it look intentional.
Powerful Bumblebee
We all have heard that ants and bees can carry things many times their own weight, but taking the weight of the sun is on another level of heavy lifting. It's remarkable that this bumblebee could bear the weight of the massive star. We would've never believed it if we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, thanks to the photo below. We wonder if this little worker plans to bring the sun to their Queen Bee.
We wonder if it was pure luck and chance that whoever snapped this photo got such a perfect shot or if they patiently waited until the bee flew over the sun in this exact position.
Chief Vitamin Water
When you make a trip to the bowling alley, you don't usually expect to see such an iconic figure there. But that's what happened when this person took his family to do some bowling: they spotted Chief Vitamin Water at the Dart Bowl Cafe. The chief is surveying his domain with an interesting headdress, a headdress he would never have received if it weren't for this perfectly timed picture.
We hope that he is happy with everyone doing their job correctly. Although he does look a bit grumpy; maybe he should drink some of that water.
Relative of Pegasus
We've all heard of the mystical creature named Pegasus: a godly stallion with wings. Just one glance below makes it clear that we are not dealing with a graceful stallion, but we think it's safe to say that this is a relative of Pegasus. What else would explain how this bull also has those massive wings? Getting his thick body off the ground must take a lot of muscle work.
If you want to keep believing in mythical magic, keep scrolling. If you want to know the truth, read here: the photo below is a perfectly timed snap of a bull being chased by a crane at an Indian national park.
Miss Ostrich
This is a perfect case of illusion at its best. At first glance, you may think an ostrich has some great-looking black hair. But then you see the strange human-ostrich morphism happening, and things become clear: this is obviously Miss Ostrich, the first and only part-human, part-ostrich creature. That's right - earlier, we met the relative of Pegasus, and now we are meeting the long-distance relative of the centaurs.
Honestly, this human-ostrich is a total look, and we think they might inspire future fashion runways. The legs and the hair is giving us an iconic moment.
Making A Treble Clef
In case you don't know (because we didn't until we saw this photo), that popular music sign formed by the headphones is called a "Treble Clef," and it is the most used clef in Western music notation. Who knew earphones (mostly) used to listen to music could also make a treble clef? Think of all the spontaneous, perfectly-timed photos we're missing out on now that we all use wireless headphones.
How sad; maybe it's time to bring back the wired headphones. Just kidding - there's not a day that goes by that we miss untangling those wires.
Magical Hair
When we first saw the picture below, we thought, "Wow, that man has amazing hair!" It looks like he's sporting a cute bob haircut with the perfect volume and moisture. But then the second photo shows what happened just a few seconds later, and we realize that the hair was all an optical illusion. The man pictured actually has a shaved head, and the bob cut belonged to the woman sitting behind him.
We have a feeling that after this guy saw himself with her hair, he decided to grow out his hair and go for the same look. It really fits him!
"Hey, I Love You Man”
This photo is the perfect example needed to support our argument: you should always turn the television on before taking photos in front of it. Why? Well, if you're lucky, you'll get a funny picture and end up on this list. That's what happened to these people: they were a house divided as they watched a Spurs versus Lakers basketball game, and one of the Spurs players on the television gave the fan some loving right as this picture was taken.
We can’t say for sure whether the player is sniffing this guy or telling him that he loves him. Either way, this photo was taken at the perfect moment and captured this hilariously intimate image.
Simpsons Lovers
Wow, we can't imagine a more iconic moment for a die-hard fan of The Simpsons. We have a feeling two fans are involved, but only one got the perfectly-timed shot. Whoever took this picture was sitting at home, watching some Simpsons' reruns, when someone passed by their window in a van. And who was painted on that van? None other than the woman, the myth, the legend, Marge Simpson.
Even Homer Simpson is a bit confused to see Marge Simpson - look at how he's shocked as he sees her pass by. Maybe he is doing something he is not supposed to do - typical.
A Great Shot
To be honest, we couldn't really tell what was happening in this photo when we first looked at it. But we think that's part of its magic - the way everything in the shot melts into each other makes it beautiful and calming to look at while also slightly confusing at first. Don't worry - if you're still confused, we got your back. This photo shows a big brown trout eating a fly on a perfectly calm water surface.
We never thought we'd want a photo of a fish eating on our wall, but after seeing this, we think it'd make a great framed addition to our homes. There's something relaxing about it.
Special Customer
Remember that song, "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Well, that's the first thing that comes to mind when we see the next item on this list. Who let this furry friend out? And then, who let him drive the car? And who let him get in the Starbucks drive-through? Should he even be drinking caffeine? So many questions and the hit song provides none of the answers we're looking for.

But at the end of the day, we guess there's not much happening here. It's just a doggo grabbing a coffee before going to work.
"What Are Those?"
It's not often we see Pedro Pascal on our screens, and he makes us laugh. Usually, when we see him in Game of Thrones or Narcos, we're excited and even a little nervous, but we're not usually laughing out loud. But this hilariously timed photo has us chuckling. The person who took it was just chilling with their feet on the entertainment center when Pedro turned and asked her, "What are those?"
It is said that the actor is still waiting for the answer, and so are we. Seriously, what are those? We've never seen slippers quite like these.
Beer Abuse
Once you see this photo, you can't un-see it. After all, it plays with your mind. One athlete is pouring his beer onto another player, but that's not what it looks like. Thanks to whoever captured this at the right millisecond, it seems as if the player has a towel on his head. It's hard to understand precisely what is going on, making for a mind-boggling photo fit for sports books.
We also love the expression on the face of the one the beer dumped on him. He still has no idea what's coming to him at this moment, but he's about to be in for a surprise.
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell
Whoever said fairytales are make-believe clearly never saw this photo. If they did, they'd know that Peter Pan and Tinkerbell exist in real life. In fact, the pair even paid a visit to a regular ol' human's fire pit, where this rare shot of them was snapped. Okay, you got us; it's not the real Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. But what it really is might be even more surprising.
The owner of this firepit just happened to take a picture at the exact millisecond when the flames looked like Peter Pan and the famous fairy. The more you look at this photo, the more you notice the similarities.
Alien Horse
If you watched the famous film Alien, then you likely remember the creepy Xenomorph with two mouths. We thought that was one of the scariest, eeriest-looking creatures we'd seen. Well, this is a lot scarier. Because while Xenomorph is a made-up character, this alien horse is real, alive, and well on a farm somewhere in the United States of America. That's right - tell your grandchildren the alien invasion began on a farm.
It looks as if this horse has come from another universe. Who knows, maybe this horse will play the leading role in the next alien-themed movie franchise.
Sand Dive
If you've ever watched long jumping in action, then you know it is one very intense sport. The shot below shows athlete Luisa Bodem during the German Athletics Championships. This still is from right when she dived into the sand after her jump, and the photographer managed to catch this one-of-a-kind shot. And for some people, the sand isn't in any odd shape - it looks very similar to something we're all familiar with.
We'll just let your imagination do the work here and figure out what some people see in the sand (hint: it's related to the body).
Wandering Eyes
If you've ever been to a wrestling match, you know those singlets show more than most of us would like to see. While most of us actively look the other way, these ladies couldn't help but stare at this athlete whose singlet gave them an eyeful. While the woman on the left seems to be playing it cool, our friend on the right just can't hide her feelings about it.
We can't tell if she's uncomfortable, shocked, intrigued, or just plain excited by what she sees, but we sure are glad someone snapped this pic when they did.
Like we said earlier, it just takes one right moment to take a perfect picture. And this next shot is a great example of that. This photographer took a photo of his brother jumping into the air between some walls, a dance, and a puddle. The result? It looks as if he is ready to save our planet from bad guys. Or maybe he is the bad guy? We can't decide; what do you think?
Regardless, the image remains a powerful one. The photographer captured his brother jumping in the air, and his reflection in the puddle makes this photo even cooler.
Extreme Sun Tan
!his takes farmer's tan or golfer's tan or tennis tan - whatever you want to call it - to a new level. If you don't know what any of that means, they are terms for when people have somewhat funny tan lines from working outside in specific clothing. The guy below spent the entire summer outside wearing long pants and no shirt, resulting in the wild skin tone difference between his arms and legs.
Remember the episode of Friends in which Ross gets a tan? Yeah, this one reminds us of that funny episode. Too bad what's actually happening here is that the legs pictured belong to one person, and the torso belongs to someone else entirely.
Wind Turbine Flower
Need help figuring out what we see below? No, it's not a cool tree or giant flower from a Dr.Seuss book. It's actually a bunch of wind turbines caught in the perfect timing. This is what you can get if you have good photography skills and are looking at fourteen wind turbines in a row. The result is more magical than reality; we think it looks like a frozen flower.
It is a fantastic photo and one that is not easily captured. It must have been exciting to be in the right place at the right time for this winning shot.
Perfectly Timed Shot!
And here we see an owl taking off into flight just after dropping off his friend, the mouse. Yeah, these two were out for a fly when the mouse got a little hungry and had to go back home for food. That's all that's happening here; nothing else to it. Oh, what's that? You think the owl is actually about to snatch up the mouse and gobble it up for lunch?
Well, after doing a bit more digging, it turns out that the mouse was, in fact, the owl's next meal. That's nature, baby.
Lightning in a Rainbow
When we saw the previous photo of lightning striking a plane right through a rainbow, we never imagined there'd be another picture of lightning and a rainbow being captured all at once. Shouldn't people be staying inside during these lightning storms?! We guess we should say thank you for risking your lives for these perfectly-timed shots. This one looks like a video game in which the challenge is to keep the lightning inside the rainbow.
You go out, you lose the game. You make it to the pot of gold at the end, you win the game. Hmm... maybe this should really be a game.
An Escape
We know that rockets taking off into space make a ridiculous amount of noise and take a lot of time, energy, effort, and even life-risking from the people involved. It's far from a relaxing experience when you're in charge of launching a rocket with people inside. But even knowing all that, we can't help but think that this picture looks peaceful. Wouldn't you agree? Just look at those fluffy clouds!
It almost feels like we can imagine the rocket moving, but we imagine it floating slowly upwards as if underwater. But that's very far from this picture's reality.
Perfect makeup for Halloween
Here's a lesson for all of us: never wear white eyeshadow. And here's another lesson: if you do wear white eye shadow, make sure never to blink while taking a photo. And just one more lesson: if you must wear white eye shadow and blink during a picture, then don't put your chin inward and give a creepy-looking smile angle. Why? Because apparently, you'll look like a character from a horror movie.
This is one scary photo that will haunt us forever. But we're sure the rest of their homecoming or prom photos looked absolutely gorgeous! Just as long as no one blinked.
Pufferfish Photobomb
At first, we thought we had another case of a human-animal hybrid. First, the Pegasus wannabe, then the centaur's distant cousin, and now the Pufferman: half pufferfish, half man. But fear not folks. This is no Pufferman; it's even better than that. It's a silly pufferfish photobombing a diver! The unsuspecting diver was minding his own business when this pufferfish decided to check what was going on. He was like, "What's up, dude? Oh, nice, a camera."
And then he flashed his best smile for the lens and swam away, knowing he'd just given the diver a photo of a lifetime.
Impeccable Timing
If you think this isn't perfect timing, then you haven't tried taking a dog photo. Seriously - if you're the proud parent of a furry friend, you know how difficult it can be to get them to stand still or get them in that one position you want to photograph so badly. This is such a perfectly timed photo that you might even be led to believe that it was planned!
We love everything about this: the impressive graffiti, the beautiful dog, and the spray cans still laid out from a hard day's work. We hope this doggo got lots of treats for being a good boy during the photoshoot.
A Rare Photo
The following eye-catching photo was captured in Bangkok, Thailand, back in 2010. And it's what it looks like: an airplane off on an adventure silhouetted against that decade's first solar eclipse. What are the odds, right? We wonder what the eclipse looked like for the people looking out through that airplane's windows. Would you rather be the one on the plane or the one on the other side of the camera, capturing this moment?
We can't decide which one we'd rather be. Luckily, we don't have to choose and can be content just looking at this photo.
Skydiving Into Burning Man
We've all heard the term "making an entrance." But we're convinced no one's quite made an entrance the way this man did: he skydived into Burning Man. That's right - one of the coolest festivals in the world, and he made it even cooler by dropping in from the sky. Luckily, he had his good friend and talented photographer with him, and they managed to get this iconic image.
The skydiver and Burning Man enthusiast is perfectly centered with the semi-circle-shaped village built by Burners down below. Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime photo for both parties involved.
Batman Looking for Some “Action”
Okay, before you start judging Batman for this, just consider that Catwoman is probably okay with it. We all know she's got the skills and the attitude to tell him no if she wants to. We can't believe these two superheroes decided to go at it at a public park like this! Maybe they've been brainwashed by a local villain into misbehaving in front of their fans. Yes, that explains it.
We just find this picture super hilarious, and there was no way we wouldn't include it in this list. It's comical and the perfect amount of inappropriate.
A Snap That Matters
Up next is the fluffy, flying doggo of your dreams. There's no way this hairy creature won't melt your heart; he's definitely melted ours. Just look at how he is so determined to make it through those hoops all in one go! You can tell this doggy has a good work ethic and takes showing off his skills very seriously. Clearly, he loves to impress his fans (and we love to be impressed).
And the dog's beautiful hair doesn't hurt his performance. He looks like he gets it blowdried by professionals before every show!
Yoga Benefits?
We know "couples yoga" or "partner yoga" has become more popular recently; some people just like connecting with other yogis by doing positions together and assisting each other. But the people below are taking partner yoga in a direction we didn't even know was possible. Seriously - should they even be doing that with all the other yoga lovers right next to them? Seems a bit disrespectful to us.
Hey, don't judge us for thinking this way after seeing this photo. We are only saying what we are seeing - it's the photographer's fault, not ours!
A Happy Dad
We love all of the different facial expressions happening in one photo. We see an unsuspecting father smiling to the camera, thinking he's posing for a nice family portrait with his wife and son. Then, we see mom, who realizes she's just made a big disaster by spilling her drink on her son while he poses with his head in her lap. Finally, we see the son's face, and he's the real victim here.
The little boy's face is an expression that says, "I am milliseconds away from total disaster, but I haven't yet processed the severity of the situation."
Ice-Cream Thief
So this guy went to the beach to enjoy the breeze and have an ice cream under the sun. What could go wrong? Well, we guess he didn't know there's a direct relationship between ice cream sales and crime. That's right: when ice cream sales increase, so does crime. It has nothing to do with the heat in the summer making people more irritable and everything to do with ice cream being too delicious.
And whoever took this photo managed to catch the relationship between ice cream and crime on camera: here we see a pelican thief who couldn't control himself once he saw this yummy cone.
Is He Wearing High Heels?
They say that what was once in fashion back in the day will come back to the runway eventually. And maybe that's what's happening here: the 10th-century high-heeled shoes made fashionable by the Persian cavalry are making a comeback in men's modern footwear. We need not look further than the man below as proof - those black heels are even similar in style to the ones sported by historical icons of the past.
Okay, you got us; high heels aren't coming back into style for men (for now). This is just an optical illusion due to the positioning of the chair legs and the guy's feet.
Cat With a Human Nose
We know that cats have evolved over the years, but we did not know that they have evolved this much. Our cat is stuck in the past with an actual cat nose, while this person's feline has developed a human nose complete with a hairless face and a mustache. Alright, so this is another case of a perfectly-timed photo. And according to the person who took this, it's the best photo they have ever taken.
And it's not hard to see why. We'd also be really proud of ourselves if we managed to capture this funny moment in time.
What Are You Doing?
What happens at Disney World is much like what happens in Las Vegas - it never actually stays there. When this dad-of-one decided to go to the restroom in public, he thought no one would be the wiser. Plus, even if someone saw, they would be a stranger. It was the perfect plan. But he didn't expect his child to come over and play with the pee - calling attention to someone nearby with a camera at hand.
Now, his one time going in public has been forever posted on the internet. Good thing this is all a funny optical illusion and that water spray is coming from a fountain on the wall. Phew!
We must admit that this photo of Bigfoot's childhood shows a completely different side to the ape-like creature said to roam the forests of North America. When we usually think of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or however you want to call it, we imagine a scary, intimidating figure coming out of the shadows of the trees just in time to attack us. But now that we've seen its offspring, we realize we might've been wrong all along.
Who knew Bigfoot's child would be so cute? And if the apple didn't fall far from the tree, we think there's a chance Bigfoot could be a cutie, too.
Turning into a Todd
This is a clear case of "evolution went wrong." Or maybe it's like a reverse fairytale - instead of a frog becoming a prince after getting kissed, this person misbehaved with a potential romantic partner and got turned into a frog. That's the only explanation for why this once-human head now has frog eyes, a chin, a mouth, and arms. Be careful, kids - if you don't behave well on dates, you could be next.
Jokes aside, the picture is a little off-putting at first. We know it's just someone whose selfie got photobombed by their pet frog, but it's quite the optical illusion!
What Are the Odds, Right?
There are a few fan theories about how this photo came to be: some say the statue was there first, and then the policeman was hired to match it. Others say the cop was there first, and people were so obsessed with the back of his head that they had to get a statue to commemorate it. And still, others believe that it was all one big coincidence, and we're just lucky someone noticed it and captured it.
While we'll never know which theory is true - and whether the policeman is even aware that the back of his head has a statue twin - we're just grateful this photo exists.
It's a bird; it's a plane; it's... wait, that's not Superman, that's a bird with human legs. It turns out that human-animal hybrids are a popular category for hilariously timed photos. But this one might beat the others - just imagine all of the (literally) moving factors that had to come together for this image to happen. The bird was flying by, and the human was walking - yet the photographer captured this moment.
The odds of this photo coming together like this were slim to none - no one could've predicted this bird would happen to fly by at this exact moment!
It Was All Written in the Destiny
The picture on the calendar shows how people would eat their words if they saw a cat fit in the red box. "They said I couldn't fit into this box. Who's laughing now?" says the cat on the calendar. Well, we'll tell you who's laughing now: the lucky owner of this calendar, who is also the lucky owner of this cute cat who fits himself into a red box right below the calendar.
This is a classic case of life imitating art. Well, maybe not too classic since it's a cat who's doing the imitation. Such a magnificent creature!
Spark Ricocheting off The Ear
Kids: don't try this at home. This guy was using some pretty intense tools without the proper protection (not to mention the cigarette in his mouth). Knowing that makes it obvious that he got lucky with what happened when this photo was taken. His brother took a picture (on his iPhone) at the exact moment a spark ricocheted off of this guy's ear - luckily, there was no damage.
Maybe this guy's ear is made of steel. The spark actually deflected off it - what else could explain it?
Seafoam Splash
We're not professional photographers or anything close to it, but something tells us this photo was not an easy one to capture. How did the photographer manage to make a moving body of water such as the ocean look like it stayed perfectly still for just a moment? This photo of seafoam splash is like nothing we've ever seen before. Apparently, this image captures the thousandth of a second.
We're not even sure what a thousandth of a second could possibly feel like or how to count it. If this isn't an amazing picture taken at just the right time, then what is?
A Scene from a Horror Movie
This may look like a simple photo of practically nothing, but if you take a second glance, then you will notice something haunting. The dirt and watermarks on this car mixed to form what looked like the silhouettes of a bunch of people hanging. Just imagine waking up early to go to work, having your coffee in hand as you walk out the door, and then seeing this on your car's exterior.
We'd call that a bad omen, call in sick, and stay home for the rest of the day. But maybe we're just being overly paranoid.
The Invisible Hockey Player
If you've ever been to an ice hockey game, then you know it can get as physical as an NFL tackle. And when they're not accidentally crashing into each other on skates, the players are purposely getting into physical altercations in between plays. The photo below shows just one of those fights. However, this fight is unique because the athlete in the white and blue jersey is fighting an invisible opponent.
Just look at how he's got the invisible man in a chokehold. But seriously - how lucky that someone caught the split second this guy's helmet came off but stayed in the air on camera?
Perfect Shot
There's something absolutely mesmerizing about the following photo, don't you think? Its contents are actually quite simple: an average Joe's foot in an average Joe's flip flop on top of some average pebbles in an average body of water. But this person splashed their foot into the water and managed to capture the precise moment when all of the water that was around his foot went into the air.
With the help of this shot, we now know how one can walk on water. Some historical events don’t need quite as much explaining after seeing this perfectly timed picture.
Someone Worthy Holding The Leaning Tower of Pisa
We are so glad someone worthy finally got the chance to hold the leaning tower of Pisa. We were getting tired of seeing our friends and family do the same pose when they visited the famous tourist site. But seeing this happy dog refresh the basic pose has renewed our love for cheesy tourist photos. But we will never pose like this with the tower of Pisa because now we know no one will look as good as this dog.
Doggo looks super happy and cute here, so there's really no point in the rest of us trying to outdo him. It's as they say: best to quit while you're ahead.
Timing is the Key
We thought humans were the only creatures in nature who liked to pose in corny ways, such as pretending to hold a faraway sun, a leaning tower, or squish a mountain range between their fingertips. But it turns out that we're not the only one of nature's creations who like to make clever poses. Just look at the mountain in the photo below - it's totally pretending to hold up the moon!
It looks like the cliff is spinning the moon as a pro basketball player does to a ball on their finger. Although the timing is really important, you need some heavy luck to take a photo like this one.
"I Don’t Need a Boat”
We've never seen someone look so cool, calm, and collected right after falling off their water skis. Are you surprised that's what this photo captured - the moment after this guy fell off his skis? We were also surprised to hear that was his facial expression when he fell into the water. We want to be more like him when we grow up. Who needs a boat when you can just skim over the water like this guy?
Not us, that's for sure. If we were so at balance with Earth's water, we'd become convinced we're mermaids and mermen and try living under the sea.
“I Got Skills, What You Got?”
You can thank us later for showing you a picture of a horse twerking. Okay, fine, you can thank us now. You're welcome; you're welcome. We also never thought we'd see the day when a horse would be twerking for the camera, but sometimes you can't predict evolution. This horse must have a lot of pop culture influences around her, and she couldn't help but pick up a move or two.
And we love how she confidently stares at her audience as she twerks. But watch out with the horse in the back - we might have a jealous one.
You Are What You Eat
This next photo might be one of the creepiest on this list. Well, that might not say much, but just trust us - it's creepy. We know it's just some meat hanging from the ceiling that happens to be blocking one of the sellers' face, but that doesn't make it less weird to stare at. We can only assume that this picture was taken accidentally - but only the photographer knows the truth.
It looks like an earthworm in place of a human head. One thing's for sure: it'll be having a guest appearance in our next nightmare.
French-Kissed a Doggo
If you're a proud dog parent, dog aunt, or dog godmother, you probably know that many dog people love kissing their furry friends. But this usually doesn't involve tongue-to-tongue action. But for every rule, there's an exception - and this woman in the photo down below is the exception to this one. We wouldn't recommend French kissing a dog, but maybe she just wanted to try something different.
She claims it was an accident, but it's clear by their facial expressions that the doggo is the only one surprised in this picture. Don't worry; we're not judging.
Oh Deer... Is That a Parratolope?
This breed of parrot is considered one of the rarest ones in the world - making this unique picture all the more special. And after seeing this parrot-deer hybrid, we're convinced that this would be a good look for a future species. Despite the difference in their colors (the parrot is all bright and colorful, and the deer is not), the parrot-deer mutant is seriously pulling off those antlers.

Now, imagine a parrot with antlers and ears like this. Now imagine that, on top of that unexpected aesthetic, the parrot is talking. Yeah, that's a lot to think about.
Hair Sniffer
Have you ever met someone who smelled really, really good all the time? Like every time you hugged them or sat next to them, they smelled like they'd just come out of the shower. Most of us have at least one person in our life who checks those boxes. But a word to the wise: compliments and slight sniffing are acceptable; inhaling their delicious-smelling heir through your nostril is not.
We hope these two women are still friends, but considering how much the one on the right invaded her yummy-smelling friend's privacy, we think there might be trouble in paradise.
There is nothing special about the grill in this picture. But if you look closely, you'll find a unique cat taking a nap. That's right - the photo below shows the world's most elongated cat. Just like Elastigirl or Mrs. Incredible can stretch any part of her body, this cat can stretch his body to reach from one side of the grill to the other. That way, he's not missing out on any barbecue drama.
We wonder if he was born this way or if his parents trained him to be so stretchy. Spoiler alert: there are actually two cats in this picture.
A Once in A Lifetime Photo
Something is terrifying yet magical about watching a massive storm develop over water. So, while taking this photo might've been quite dangerous, we don't blame whoever was so intrigued by the storm that they decided to go outside. And while they wanted a simple picture of the palm trees, they got so much more than that. As this person snapped the photo, they captured lightning directly hitting one of the palm trees.
Seriously - what are the odds that lightning would hit one of the palm trees they photographed right as they clicked the camera in the one minute they went outside to snap a photo? Wow!
Not the Right Time
Every wedding has to have some sort of drama or a moment when things go "wrong" - it's practically part of the marriage package. Did you even get married if you weren't stressed at some point during the ceremony or party? Sadly for this bride and groom, their stressful moment came right as the person marrying them said, "You may kiss the bride." Hearing those words, the sister's bride fainted and fell to the ground.
The internet couldn't help but notice someone else in the shot besides the happy couple and the fainted sister - the bridesmaid next to the sister. She seems like she couldn't care less about her fallen comrade.
A Doggo Trying to Catch the Ball
From the looks of this picture, it seems like a shot from the 2022 Dog Olympics. Just look at that dog's formation as he jumps into the air. We're not sure if this is a gymnastics competition or a long jump, but we're sure the judges gave this furry boy great scores for his perfect form. How could they not? Just look at that face and those cute paws!
Well, if a Dog Olympics is ever organized, we are 101% certain that this doggo would win all the “bone-medals.” We can even see him having a future as a dog coach.
Cool Sunglasses
Some people believe that rubbing a Buddha's belly is good luck. If that's true, then we have a feeling rubbing this Buddha's belly brings an extra wave of good luck. Why? Well, simply because this is the coolest Buddha we've ever seen. Just look at him with those cool shades! We love how one of the eyes is red, and the other isn't - such a fashion statement.
Given that it looks hot there, we are sure the Buddha needed these glasses. But on a serious note: imagine being a resident of this Japanese town and seeing this optical illusion every day. How awesome!
Accidental Shot
Wait until you hear this: the person who took this photo says the bird ruined their shot. Yeah, we know it sounds like nonsense, right? This bird made the shot. This bird is the shot. Okay, so not just the bird, but the bird and the rest of its surroundings and the way it's passing directly in front of the sun right at the moment the photographer snapped the image.
Many people take photos of sunsets, but few people get pictures of sunsets featuring a total icon like the winged friend seen above.
Perfection Everywhere
This photo of a baseball player splashing his fellow teammate with water almost gives the beer shot from earlier some competition. But what impresses us most about this photo isn't so much the water (and how the photographer captured it at the right time) but rather the victim's reflexes. Clearly, this guy's got moves if he had time to react and ducked to avoid really getting completely wet. Hats off, man.

But we bet he still got quite the splash despite his fast reflexes. We guess you can't win them all.
Are the Policemen Dancing on the Crime Scene?
Wow, how insensitive - this crew is at the scene of a crime, and this policeman thought it was appropriate to bust out some of his dance moves. Luckily, an investigative journalist caught it in action and called him out. We joke; this cop was not rudely dancing at a tragic crime scene. He was probably carefully stepping over something when the image was snapped. Now, it looks like he's doing the electric slide.
Now imagine the song “Can’t Touch This” is playing, and then look again at this photo. It gets even better, doesn't it?
4-Winged Goose
Once upon a time, there was a goose who wanted to meet his friends for a great night out, but the distance was far too long for him to reach. So, the goose went to his fairy godmother and asked to grow an extra pair of wings to fly faster. And that's how the four-winged goose came to be. Today, he's known as the most social of the geese socialites.
Did we just write the next big fairytale? We're getting this idea copyrighted right away - the book and a motion picture will be out in no time.
A Lucky, Lucky Photo
When this guy went to Sri Lanka, he didn't expect to have such an amazing picture at the end of his trip. But we guess some magic is bound to happen when you're surrounded by breathtaking beaches and views and have a quality, waterproof camera. And plenty of magic happened when this guy took a photo on his GoPro right as a wave passed through the middle of his face.
The result is a half-human, half-wave photo that's artsy enough for the social media grids. We are sure it would take a lot of retakes to get even close to this one.
Perfectly Captured Reaction
This person wanted to launch fireworks. It sounded like a good idea at first. But that's because they didn't realize their wife would be sitting close by, laughing at him, and taking hilarious photos. "My wife managed to capture the least manly shot of me launching fireworks," this funny husband wrote along with this photo when he decided to share it with the online world. But we think there's nothing manlier than sharing an embarrassing picture with the internet.
That's called bravery. Plus, he should be scared of fireworks - those things can be dangerous!
Timing is Everything
This is probably one of the most unique, perfectly timed shots ever. At first, it looks like a mermaid who just discovered she has legs. Like that scene in The Little Mermaid when Ariel receives her legs and tries to figure out how to use them and navigate the world as a former mermaid turned human. But alas, that is not what's happening in this photo. Reality is even better than fiction in this case.
This is a real human doing a ridiculous swimming position. It may look painful, but the lady is perfectly fine. Okay, fine, that's not true either. There are two athletes in this photo and one perfectly timed camera click.
What Can Be Done Now…
You know those photos that are "seconds before a disaster?" Well, this photo isn't seconds before - this photo is a disaster. Don't understand why? Just take a closer look. At first, you'll notice two ladies happily posing for a photo. But a closer inspection reveals that one of the ladies isn't actually that happy. And that's because her phone is in mid-air on its way to the ocean.
This was the moment when she knew she was never going to see her phone again. At least she has this photo taken at the right (or wrong) moment to commemorate this forever.
Mysterious Triumphant Ghost
This photo is giving us big villain-origin-story vibes. Like someone broke the lightbulb only to capture this one moment, and now the lightbulb will spend the rest of eternity trying to get revenge. Only now, it's not a lightbulb; it's a smoke monster villain named Smokehead. And as soon as Smokehead was free, he began to haunt the photographer and everyone else involved in the photo shoot.
And a second look at the photo makes it clear that Smokehead is totally flexing his muscles for this shot. What a show-off.
A Helpful Sun
Earlier, we saw someone potentially stealing the sun in the back of their truck. Now, we see the sun helping release this navy officer’s tension with a shoulder rub. We are learning so much about our beloved star today. Who would have thought that, when captured at the right angle and the right time, a photo could make a sun look like it was giving someone a massage? Not us!
We wonder if the sun charged him money for that massage or if he does it free of charge. We're not sure what'd he'd buy with cash anyway.
Can You Do This?
Can you do this cool tongue trick? We can't, but honestly, we don't care much. Why? Well, we have seen this doggo do it, and that's all that matters to us. But we just had a scary thought - what if all dogs can do this with their tongue, and we don't notice it because it all happens so quickly? Okay, everyone, go take photos of your dog's tongue so we can figure this out.
It’s difficult enough to get an average photo of your pet, but this family managed to capture this incredible photo. What a cool image!
This is How You Take a Pool Photo
Take note, everyone. This is how you should always take a pool photo. That's right - the jury is out, and this one wins out of the wide variety of pool photos on social media. We don't care how cool your sunglasses were in that selfie or how much you paid for a margarita by the beach just for the photo - this guy wins the pool photo game.
And he deserves an award for showing off in a manner that we are actually applauding. We have nothing but respect for the level of dedication that went into getting this picture.
Realizing the The True Power of The Force
We don't think there's ever been a more fitting photo to go with the famous Star Wars quote, "May the Force be with you." Just look at this kid's face: that look of surprise, astonishment, and amazement at the power of their lightsaber. This kid has officially, truly seen the Force. And we have a feeling we're looking at a lifelong Star Wars fan here.

It goes without saying that this kid looks straight out of a comic book. We wish there were a video of the entire reaction.
A Good Spot to Sit
The little birdy just wanted to sit somewhere before going to meet his friends for some drinks by the beach. Instead of finding a rock or something else, the birdy found the most perfect spot on earth: a bald man's head. It's hard to believe that this is just a comically and perfectly timed photo; it seems like a piece of art.
Having this picture blown up and hanging on your living room wall would certainly be a conversation starter with first-time guests.
Jumper Cow
We were today years old when we learned that some farmers use dogs not just to herd sheep but also to herd their dairy cows. And that's what was happening when the confusing picture below was caught. Those two farm dogs were herding a whole crew of dairy cows from one location to the next when one of the cow companions went a little (okay, a lot) wild. The poor dogs look so frightened!
Hopefully, the cow was just being playful, and no one got hurt. And here we were, thinking cows only liked jumping over the moon.
Tony Stark's Dog Having a Good Time
Usually, when celebrity photos come out, the Hollywood star is the center of attention and the rumors. But not in Ironman's case. Sorry, we mean Tony Stark. Sorry, we mean Robert Downey Jr. Anyway, back to the photo: it wasn't Robert who got all of the world talking in this shot. It was his dog. Ignore Mr. Downey Jr. when looking at the image and look to the right for a canine surprise.
Some people may not want to admit it, but this Hollywood dog has way more fun in life than most of us.
The Moment The Wave Came For A Hug
And that was the last time he was ever seen... Okay, we're kidding, obviously. This man was alive and well after this photo, even though he probably got plenty of saltwater up his nose (always plug your nose, man, especially when there are waves). But none of that makes this photo unusual enough to end up on this list. What's charming about this shot is how the water envelops this man's face on all sides.
It looks like he's putting on a sweatshirt and the wave over his head is actually the hood. How cool!
Twin Tales
Another photo of water? You bet! There's a reason humans are so captivated by the beauties of this natural wonder, and we're not going to pretend otherwise and not include all of the coolest perfectly-timed water photos. And can you blame us? Look at this picture - never in our lives did we see twin waves until now. Only one question remains: are they identical or fraternal?
Who would have thought that you could capture such a perfectly timed picture? Nature really is incredible!
Impressive Kid
We're all for letting kids express themselves and grow their own voices, but this takes things a bit too far. This father is just looking down as his toddler writes profanity onto the skateboard park ramps. At least, that's what some people thought when they saw this photo. The reality is much simpler and makes the whole situation really hilarious: the toddler is just crawling over the word, not writing it.

The giveaway is obviously the penmanship. What toddler in the world would have the motor skills to write so perfectly?
Tree Hair
Well, this guy has quite an unusual hairstyle. He grew his hair long and put pounds and pounds of gel on to make it stay in one place. The result is that it looks like a tree. But we are not going to judge him. Who knows, maybe he is an environmentalist and wanted to let spread awareness about tree importance throughout New York City. Or maybe it's nothing to do with that.

Maybe he's just a super stylish British rockstar visiting NYC who coincidentally passed by this tree that coincidentally connected seamlessly to his hair while there happened to be someone taking a photo.
Goalkeeping Goals
We know, we know - there aren't enough cats on this list. Don't worry; we've got another one for cat lovers. And cat lovers who also love soccer will be overjoyed because these aren't your regular house felines - these cats are training to be serious athletes. It's evident by their positioning that they're competing for the goalkeeping position in their local soccer team. Hopefully, they'll make an exception and let them both into the team.
We are sure there is enough room for the two of them. No need to get feisty, felines.
Classic Dad Reaction
We have a feeling dad knew all along that this moment would eventually arrive. He has that smile that says, "Yeah, seeing this is just as funny as I expected it to be." Meanwhile, his kid's getting thrown back by a surprise water attack from the park fountain. But we're sure he'll be alright; as soon as dad finished laughing, he probably went over to help him get his bearings.
At least, we hope so. Anyway, this is a beautiful picture that shows laughing at your children is okay sometimes.
Ready to Land
This little birdy was happy to find food and ready to make a landing when this perfectly timed photo captured the moment. Just look at that little ball of feathers - have you ever seen a bird cuter than this? We haven't. But even in its cute fluffiness, there's something wild and threatening about its little feet and the way you can just tell they've picked up prey before.
So, basically, this bird is a cute and powerful icon. An inspiration for the ages.