1. He Struggled with Mental Illness
The Spanish native Jose Antonia has lived on the streets in Palma for the most part of his adult life. Even though he had been trained in a technical field, it wasn't that he wasn't trying his best to live a better life.
What made his life so difficult was his continuous struggle with mental illness that prevented him from living a normal life – it was because of the mental illness that he often found himself living on the streets.
2. Well-known in the community
Local families knew who Jose was, but most of them would carry on with their lives without giving him a second thought. But not everyone ignored his presence. There was a group of locals who took a liking for Jose and even gave him the affectionate nickname “Josete.”
People who really cared about him for years began to devise a plan to get him back on his feet. He had no idea of their thoughtful plan. It is because they didn’t want to get his hopes up before knowing that the plan was a sure thing.
3. He Never Really Gave Up
Jose was 30 years old when he lost his job and found himself living on the streets. That didn’t stop him from trying his best to earn money. Such was his will to live a better life that he wasn’t hesitant to work small jobs for meager wages.
He even worked as a parking attendant in Mallorca for some time. However, he wasn’t earning enough to get a roof over his head again. It seemed like going nowhere until he met Salva Garcia, a Palma local who would be instrumental in changing his life.
4. He Couldn’t Say No
Being a homeless man for almost 25 years, Jose was used to living on the streets. At 55 years of age, he looked way much older than his appearance. His long beard and hair added years to his look.
Jose was approached by Salvia, the owner of a salon called ‘La Salvajeria.' She offered him an opportunity to get a complete makeover without paying a single penny.
5. He Needed a Complete New Look
It didn’t take long for Salvia to realize that Jose required a completely new look if he ever was going to find success in a professional career again. She wanted others to take him seriously and she knew a mere haircut and shave wouldn’t be enough.
As Salvia made it clear that he won’t be paying for the makeover, he couldn’t say no to her. He was ready to change and embrace a new life.
6. Taking The First Step
Jose felt extremely uncomfortable upon entering Salvia’s salon. To him, it felt like he didn’t belong in such a nice place since he wasn’t paying anything.
As he remained on the streets for 25 years and he had every right to feel that way. However, it didn’t change his mind as he remained firm with his decision to give life another opportunity to change.
7. Taking Down the Mirrors of the Salon
Jose stared at himself for some time before the start of the complete makeover process. He contemplated and he knew he wouldn’t be able to recognize himself. Salvia took all the mirrors down so that he could only see the final results.
Jose then asked, "Leave the doors over the mirror open for the moment so I can see myself for the last time like this, then close them to see if when they open again, it’s as if something else really opened up in my life, like a symbol."
8. Starting to Look and Feel Good
Jose’s hair was long and grey when he first entered the salon. His unkempt beard looked uncomfortable and unprofessional.
As he didn’t care about his appearance in the last 25 years, he was ready for a change and Salvia was there to help him achieve it.
9. Nervous Jose
Although Jose mustered up all his courage to receive a huge makeover, he started to express how nervous he was about the entire process. He was scared of how everything would turn out. He was scared of the unknown.
Salvia assured him and made him realize that the makeover could turn his life upside down. He wanted to stand on his feet again and the makeover was the redefining moment of his life.
10. Removing a Lot of Hair
Salvia was prepared for the moment and that’s why she gathered her best beard and hair stylists to give Jose the makeover he deserved. The entire team knew that it was a special styling task in which a lot had to be done.
As some of the Salvia’s team members put his hair in a bun, the others took care of other parts of his face. Although it was a lot of work, it soon started to look like it was heading in the right direction. His transformation from a man on the streets to a gentleman had truly begun.
11. Giving His Hair A Natural Color
Living on the streets and not taking care of the appearance made Jose’s hair so gray that he was looking way older than he actually was.
Salvia and her team decided to give back his hair a natural color which Jose told them was brown. They knew that coloring his hair would not only make him look more personal but also make him appear younger. Although the dying process was time-consuming, everyone was okay with it as they knew it would be worth it.
12. Coming Onto the Beard
It wasn’t a big surprise for Salvia and her beard style specialists that Jose’s beard was long, grey, and unkempt to a point that it required some serious work.
His beard was cleaned at first and then colored to enhance his younger look. The beard was then shaped into a sleek and clean look. It was exciting for everyone as his new look was coming closer to becoming a reality.
13. Feeling Lighter
As Jose’s hair was being cut down, he could feel the chunks of his hair falling to the ground. It certainly made his head feel lighter. He was also feeling lighter mentally because the weight of being homeless was slowly being lifted off his shoulder (literally and figuratively).
It is heartbreaking that Jose wasn't used to a lot of people interacting with him. It was rare for him to receive so much affection. As his nerves started to go away, he began to enjoy every second of the process.
14. Changing The Shape And Texture Of His Beard
It can be said that one of the biggest changes made to Jose’s appearance was the shape and texture of his long and grey beard. The unkempt beard needed some serious work done.
First, the beard stylists applied a deep conditioning treatment to his beard. Then they brought it back to life by moisturizing it.
15. Giving The Makeover Final Touches
After Salvia and her team were done with cutting, trimming, and coloring of Jose’s beard and hair, they prepared to give the makeover final touches.
The team started cutting away stray hairs to give him a perfect jawline and then they shaved around his neck. Now that his hair and face was done, one last thing that needed to be done was picking the perfect wardrobe for him.
16. New look, New Clothes
The transformation of Jose was simply unbelievable. Salvia started finding the right clothes that could complement Jose’s new look. She was looking to get some designer clothes.
As he had been wearing the same ragging clothes for years, putting on new clothes made him feel like an entirely new person.
17. He Looked a Different Person Than Before
Before Jose walked into the salon, he was tired, much older than his actual age, and was wearing clothes that he had been wearing for the past 25 years.
Jose was dirty beyond belief, but Salvia and her team were committed to making him look better. Have one final look at this picture before you see the final transformation.
18. A Shocking Transformation
Everyone in the salon was amazed at the shocking transformation of Jose. It was like Jose was reborn and it left everyone speechless.
As his unkempt beard and messy hair were switched with a clean and suaver look, everyone felt proud and happy. However, there was one final step in the process; Jose had to see his transformed look himself.
19. He Couldn’t Believe His Own Eyes
It was time for the big reveal and everyone was super excited. Jose’s reaction was just about everything that Salvia and her team expected.
As he rubbed his hands through his hair and beard in disbelief, his eyes began to fill with tears. After spending years on the street without staying clean and well kept, he knew that it was never too late for him to start over again.
20. He Was In Absolute Shock
He was so overwhelmed with the new look that he was at a complete loss for words.
After a few moments, he finally expressed his feelings: "My God, this is incredible, is this me? I’m so different, no one’s going to recognize me unless I tell them who I am."
21. A New Opportunity At Life
His new look gave him satisfaction and hope for a new life. He was determined to make the most of it. He knew that it was up to him to make the new look work in his favor.
It is unfortunate that Jose didn’t realize it in his 25 years of living on the streets, but he knew that it was not too late for him to start over again.
22. A New Day
Although he got a new sense of hope and determination, he was still in a shock as he couldn’t get over just how different he looked.
He said, "I have totally changed. It’s not me!" His new look gave him a new perspective on life. He felt like a new man and he just couldn’t stop smiling.
23. Going Back to His Old Spot
As Jose left the salon a completely different person, he headed back to the same monument where he would spend his days listening to old cassette tapes and smoking cigarettes.
But this time it was different. Although he sat exactly where he used to spend most of his time, he was a completely new person. With new clothes and sleek look, he was a different man. He was not that same homeless man who would sit there with people passing him by without any regard whatsoever.
24. People Were Taking Double Takes
As expected, people had to take double takes to fully recognize him. Even the people that have been seeing him around for years couldn’t believe their own eyes.
The local waitresses were used to seeing him around every day and they were excited to see him in a completely different look. Their happiness is quite evident from this picture. He wasn’t the man who was nicknamed Josette.
25. He Looked Like a Magazine Model
As Jose walked around the street he once called his home, most people had no idea who he was. It is fair to say that most people would have never guessed that he was the same guy who was living there for over 25 years.
Out of a few people who did recognize him, one asked, “No Josette?” while another person asked Jose where his Ferrari was.
26. Finding It Hard to Recognize Him
Jose was excited to show off his new look to people who knew him. He went to the bar where he had been several times and bought a beer. The waiter came and served him the beer without saying anything. It wasn’t until Jose asked him why he didn’t recognize him that he was completely shocked
He recognized him immediately. Jose was no longer seen as a homeless man and most people had not even the slightest of ideas who he was or where did he come from.
27. Getting Attention From The Ladies
Many women were left speechless by the amazing transformation of Jose. Many of them kept on telling him that he is “very, very handsome” and he graciously responded every time with “thank you very much.”
People who knew Jose were stunned at his new look and they thought it was remarkable how he interacted with them. It was as if there was a completely new person. The transformation not only made his look better, but it also made him feel more confident. He was interacting with people with really impressive self-assurance.
28. Turning From A Homeless Man Into A Viral Sensation
It wasn’t long ago he was a homeless man on the streets of Spain, but it didn’t take long for his story to become viral. As he became an online sensation, people wanted to talk to him and hear his story.
This also helped him out financially. In an interview, he said that "It wasn’t just a change of look. It changed my life."
29. Approaching His Old Employers
Just like many others, Jose’s old employers didn’t recognize him at first as well. One local woman, Paola Bocardo, was at loss for words after seeing Jose. She said, "Jose helps me to park my car every day. When we saw him after his makeover we didn’t recognize him. He’s a wonderful person and the video is amazing."
Jose didn’t want his new look to fade away and wanted more than that. "What I want now is a proper job," he said.
30. "Spanish Hugh Jackman”
Everyone started to notice his killer looks and he has been referred to as the Spinach Hugh Jackman. This also means that Jose started getting a lot of attention from ladies. He has also started his search to find a woman to start a new life with her.
As not many people know him, he believes that it is a perfect time for him to have a shot at love. With these looks, it won’t be much difficult for him.
31. Getting Love and Support from Everyone
As Jose was working at a restaurant, parking cars in the parking lot, a local businessman saw him and couldn’t believe his own eyes. At seeing Jose looking so good, the businessman was overwhelmed with emotions.
Being happy at seeing Jose doing something for his future, he went straight to him and gave him a huge hug. The businessman gave Jose a hug to show his respect and support. He congratulated Jose and this little gesture from the businessman meant a lot for him.
32. Jose Clooney
Today, Jose is keeping his natural look under control. He has even made some physical altercations as well. He has shaved his beard to get a clean face like he used to have when he was younger.
As people started to call him Spanish Hugh Jackman, his clean-shaven look was also loved by people and they began calling him Jose Clooney, after the original silver fox George Clooney. But it wasn’t all good for Jose as he ran into some health problems.
33. He Almost Went Blind
Spending years on the streets with no proper diet or health care had him develop cataracts. A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye and he almost went blind due to it. But he wasn’t going to give up so easily after all he’s been through.
Luckily for Jose, he received the necessary help to heal his eyes as best as possible. Now, he is perfectly okay and he can see quite clearly.
34. No Longer Homeless
Jose’s life has turned full 360-degree after his incredible transformation. Now, he looks really great, has a part-time job and is getting the financial aid to live a better life. But the best outcome for him after the transformation is that he isn’t homeless anymore.
He lived for about 25 years without any bed, but now he has his own apartment. He is quite hopeful about finding a full-time job. We wish him a great life ahead. Keep on reading to find out more about amazing transformations that changed the lives of homeless people.
35. Trying to Get Life Back on Track
The 46-year-old Simon was desperately trying to turn his life around by getting rid of his heroin habit. One day he met Nasir Sobhani, a hairstylist who dedicates one day off per week to give haircuts to homeless people in need.

The homeless man looks a completely different person as the hairstylist helped him show off his good-looking face. He told Nasir that “he felt like a new man.”
36. A Completely New Look
According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, approximately 25% of the homeless population in the United States suffers from severe mental illness. The 28year-old Mark suffers from mental illness. Nasir Sobhani found him on the street and gave him a new haircut along with a wardrobe.

Nasir said, “Looking at him afterward I was quite taken aback myself and told him ‘Mark, you look so good bro’ and he responded with ‘I know, and I feel GREAT!'” Look at the smile on Marks’ face. Sometimes, little gestures of kindness can have a huge positive impact on someone else’s life.
37. Getting Better for His Brother
The 34-year-old Ganesh developed a horrible addiction for heroin when his girlfriend left him with their son. His mentally ill brother needed someone to look after him and Ganesh stepped in. That’s when he decided to take control over his life.

Ganesh asked the barber to trim back his beard but just not removed completely. It is an incredible transformation and we hope that he stays away from drugs and live a better life.
38. A Great Difference It Made
As Ganesh got a transformation to get rid of his heroin problem and help his brother, Vic, it was only fitting to include the brother in this list as well. Vic suffered from mental issues and that probably led him to drug abuse.

Although Vic doesn’t speak, the smile on his face after seeing the transformation showed he really liked it. Hairstylist Sobhani said, “His (Vic) smile when he looked at the mirror said a thousand words.”
39. A New Hope
The 34-year-old Carla also developed heroin addiction and that led her to lose custody of her three children. It didn’t take long for her to lose her job and end up living on the streets.

Her hairstylist wanted to help her feel better and gather the strength to live a better life and hopefully get her children back. We are surprised how a simple haircut can change an entire look of a person. Let’s just hope that she gets her life back on track and gets custody of her children as well.
40. First Proper Haircut in Many Years
Rachel, a 28-year-old mom of one, was only 13 when she ran away from home. Unfortunately, she started using heroin.

She eventually kicked off the bad habit and gave birth to a beautiful child. When she was introduced to the hairstylist, she said that it was her first proper haircut since she was 13. It was such a beautiful transformation and we hope she and her son Xavier have a happy future.
41. From Unkempt to Professional in Minutes
The mission of 28-years-old hairdresser from New York Joshua Coombes is to give free haircuts to homeless people whenever he's not working for pay. When he visited Exeter, Devon, he found this homeless man.

Although he was wearing a nice shirt, his hair was matted and unkempt. This is where Coombes stepped in and gave him a more dashing look.
42. A Man with Big Plans
Paul, a 54-years-old homeless, in Scotland is a person with big plans. He worked full-time as an auto mechanic in England for many years. He moved to Scotland in the hope to find more work and contribute to society. However, he couldn’t find new work and ran out of money soon.

The barber gave him an incredible transformation that encouraged him to go back to England and start over again.
43. Just a Simple Haircut Doing Wonders
It won’t be wrong to say that Nasir Sobhani richly deserves the nickname “The Street Barber.” Although he is one of the best at creating snazzy new hairstyles for his clients, he knows that sometimes a simple buzzcut can do the job just perfectly.

Nasir definitely gave this homeless man a new look and he is unrecognizable without his mustaches, beard and long hair.
44. Changing Lives and Telling Their Stories
Nasir Sobhani aka The Street Barber is a man on a mission. He just doesn’t cut the hair of homeless people, he also tells their stories to the world to inspire others.

“For me, it is about giving something back and raising awareness of the homeless and by doing it on the street, it breaks the generalization,” Sobhani explains.
45. Do Something For Nothing
A group of people in London started a hashtag trend #DoSomeThingForNothing. For hairstylists, it meant giving transforming haircuts to homeless people in the London Subway.

This homeless man was approached by a hairstylist and given a cute haircut that transformed him from disheveled and shy to a smiling man.
46. Getting Ready for a New Job
Phil is a big fan of living in London as he finds the people of the city quite caring and generous towards the homeless. A hairstylist found him and decided to give him a haircut.

It was only after the haircut Phil told the hairstylist that he was excited about a new job that might be heading his way very soon. He was promised work as a painter and decorator and he was also told that the job will bring in a reasonable wage and a place to stay.
47. A Completely Unrecognizable Look
Meet Graham, he is not an old man in his fifties. In fact, he is just 33-years-old. Like many others, the government gave up on him and he had to live on the streets.

The homeless shelters won’t take him in because he suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Bullying at his school caused a brain injury which left him with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Despite enduring so much in his life, he was still able to smile after this haircut.
48. Transforming Someone’s Life in Just a Few Minutes
English barber Ged King does not give haircuts to the homeless on the streets. Instead, he invites them into his shop in Sale, England. He always goes out to search for homeless people to give them free haircuts.

He believes them it makes the homeless people feel like they are being treated like paying customers. He wrote on his Facebook post about this homeless man, “This is Neil he’s had a tough time and spent the last few months living in a tent. He came in today to make use of our Skullfades Homeless Project.”
49. Look How Younger He is Looking
In New York City, Mark Bustos is considered a high-end hairstylist in New York City whose haircuts rates start at $150. When he is not cutting the hair of his rich clients, he heads to the streets to help poor people.

This picture shows the strong and powerful impact of a haircut. We are amazed to see how younger this homeless man is and Mark has completely changed his appearance. He looks so happy now.
50. It Just Takes One Person to Change Someone’s Life
These photos show how a single haircut from a caring person can change someone’s life. Who knows a homeless person just needs a push to get back on his/her feet.

The smile on this homeless man’s face shows that he might be waiting for someone to give him that push. We have to admit that the smile on his face is so heartwarming. Great work Jaz!
51. Satisfied with Results
This homeless man was discovered by some barber on New York City’s Union Square. He used to buzz his own hair with his pair of buzzers, but they were rusty and not working anymore.

He moved to NYC on the promise of a job that never came through. It is incredible to see that he still has a positive look on his face. We just hope that this buzz-cut helps him find another job.
52. Giving a Haircut to A Goat Herder
The tourist, who happens to be a barber, was in Jamaica when he came across this goat herder who was trying to earn some extra money by showing his goats to tourists.

The barber thought that the goat herder needed a haircut as this would give him a more professional look when approaching tourists. And he was absolutely right. This man looks pleased with the results.
53. The Homeless Haircut Bench
In Manhattan, there is a homeless haircut bench that helps provide potentially life-changing haircuts to homeless men. Jamar was found sitting outside the Bowery Mission. When asked if he would like a new haircut, he agreed.

As his hair was unkempt and it seems like he hadn’t shaved in a long time, the barber gave him a look that suited him. After the haircut, Jamar looked at the barber with a smile on his way and asked, “Do you know anyone who is hiring?”