When Going Back to School Affects Each of Your Children Differently
Starting school is stressful for kids! You have to leave the house, be away from your parents, and acclimate to an entirely new environment pretty much at a moment's notice. So, it's no surprise that different children handle this transition differently. In this picture, we see two children from the same family each reacting in their own special way. The daughter is pretty cool and collected. The son, on the other hand, looks like his world is ending.
What usually happens with these kids is that they get to school, they make a friend, and then everything is smooth sailing from there.
Pets Really Do Look Like Their Owners
We've always heard that pets and their owners sometimes look alike, but we didn't really think it could be true. Besides, humans and their animals don't share enough DNA to really be that similar, right? Still, take a look at these two pictures down below and tell us the dog hasn't taken exactly after his dad, and the cat hasn't taken exactly after her mom. The best part? These two people are a couple!
To be honest, we're not sure how these two are a couple. We'd think that somebody with as much positivity as the husband, and someone as grumpy as the wife, would have trouble finding ways to work it out. We guess opposites really do attract.
Valentine's Day Could Go One of Two Ways
As a grocery store cashier, you're going to see some weird things. There's no telling whether people will be coming in for the one ingredient they're missing or if they'll be coming to stock up for weeks at a time. Still, on holidays especially, cashiers are going to be able to tell what kind of night the customers are in for. For example, here we've got someone with flowers and cupcakes, followed by someone with whiskey and chicken.
We're not exactly sure how to judge these purchases, to be honest. The person with the flowers and the cupcakes is probably going to impress their date immensely. But we kind of want whiskey and chicken more.
Sliding Down With Mom Versus With Dad
We don't mean to stereotype parents, but in many traditional relationships, Mom and Dad are going to handle the same situation very differently. Here, we're just talking about a simple trip to the fun park, but that doesn't mean Mom and Dad are going to see eye to eye. On the left, we see Mom very carefully sliding down the ramp with her child. On the right, we see Dad, who just hucked the kid down the ramp and then had some fun on his own.
If we were the kid in this situation, we'd probably rather go sliding with Dad. It seems faster, more fun, and more exciting.
Which One Are You When You Go to a Party?
When we first got to college, we remember every weekend night felt like it was going to be the night of our lives. We'd spend hours getting ready, obsess with friends over our game plan for the night, and then we'd go to the same old parties and bars and do what we did every weekend. By the time senior year rolled around, we'd learned that this was the way things are, and we were able to act more like the girl on the left.
It's nice to dress up every once in a while, but if you're just hanging out with friends, sweatpants are 100% the move.
Two Kinds of People in The Morning
Throughout our studies, we've found that people usually fall into one of two categories when it comes to their morning routine. Either they're the type of person who can wake up easily and get their day started without fail, or they need a big push. We fall into the second category, and so our clock app looks more like that picture on the right. On average, we probably set six alarms every morning.
There are also two types of people when it comes to sleeping. Some people can lie down and fall right asleep, and for others, the whole thing is a huge process.
When Two Siblings Run a Marathon Together
The girl on the right was the one who posted this picture. The context she gave is that her sister, a longtime runner, convinced her that a half-marathon would be doable. But, as you can see from the pictures, the less athletic sister definitely wasn't prepared for how difficult it was going to be. Her sister is breezing through, high-fiving everyone as she runs past with a smile. She, on the other hand, is crying.
Long-distance running is no joke. If you've never experienced it, some crazy things start happening to your body after you've run ten miles. Bladder control is difficult; your toes start to bruise– it can get messy!
The Two People in the Bar's Bathroom
If you've ever gone out to a bar or a club, then you probably know there are two types of people: those who can handle their drinks and those who can't hang. And this picture-perfect photo captures both in one quick shot. We see the woman taking the selfie looks quite put-together. And then, if you stare at the picture a little longer, you'll notice there's actually someone else in the frame.
Well, you can't see her entire self. More like just her legs as she lays by the toilet.
We Guarantee These Coworkers Don't Like Each Other
Frankly, we believe a person's workspace is almost as important as their bedroom. We spend about a third of our lives sleeping and a third at work, yet very few of us strive to keep our workstations as clean and organized as we do our bedrooms. Just look at these two people, and you'll see what we mean. Plus, which desk do you think you're going to get more work done at?
Obviously, if you can't even reach your keyboard over the mass of garbage on your desk, you're not going to be very productive. Plus, that garbage can probably smells disgusting.
Her Boyfriend Had a Different Idea for His Illusion Museum Photo
They say you need to find a partner who completes you, and it looks like these two have found that. When you find yourself in a relationship where you're drastically different from your partner, you both can help each other by picking up the slack where the other falters. This guy made sure his girlfriend was having fun by playing a few little jokes when she went to take pictures of him.
We're not going to lie, though, these pictures are actually bothering us immensely. Where is the floor in this room? Is it that gray wall? The Illusion Museum is playing tricks on us.
Halloween Is a War Between Spooky Versus Sultry
For a lot of people in the United States, Halloween is an opportunity to show some skin and really let loose. We're not sure why we're celebrating this holiday in October instead of letting loose while the weather's still warm, but that's another question for another time. Anyway, the people who don't treat Halloween this way usually wind up with some pretty interesting costumes, which can lead to a pretty interesting contrast like the one in the picture below.
Quite obviously, the girl on the left is dressed up like Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The girls on the right are some kind of army brats.
The Two People Who Love Autumn the Most
As the weather starts to cool off and the summer comes to a close, people turn their eyes ahead to the autumn and the coming winter months. For some people, this means leaf-peeping, trendy photo shoots, and the return of the pumpkin spice latte. For other people, this means one thing and one thing alone: Spooky Season is coming. For these people, it's time to start working on costumes, scaring little kids, and enjoying one of the most exciting times of the year.
Apparently, some people feel they can fit into both of these categories. But science has proved otherwise. Sorry, folks!
When You and Your Sister Are Total Opposites
When you're young, you do everything with your siblings. But, as you all grow older, you start to come into your own as people and grow apart a bit. This doesn't mean there's any less love there; it just means you all get to start fully expressing yourselves. And when it comes to these two sisters, they really could not be more polar opposites if they tried. It's like Glenda versus The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz!
Our favorite part of this is the decor of their homes. On the left, we have an inflatable pool and a unicorn. And on the right, a welcome mat that reads, "Go Away."
An Artist Versus a Programmer
It's important while you're searching for roommates to find people that exemplify the lifestyle you want to lead. You can't live with party animals if you want to study hard and go to sleep early. But, even though these two people look very different, they're actually a good fit! They're both hard workers. We've got the man on the right, who's a developer and doesn't need much inspiration, and the artist on the left, who needs tons of inspiration!
This almost reminds us of an episode of the Big Bang Theory or something. You have one character with a lot of action figures and another who's very particular about his decor.
Two Kinds of People at the Pre-Prom Photoshoot
Whereas some students will go all out for their prom, spending tons on dresses, suits, flowers, and the works, other people treat prom like they treat every other day of the year. They're going to wear something comfortable, they're going to enjoy themselves, and they're not going to care what anybody else has to say. As you'll see in the picture down below, it's pretty easy to tell who is which type of person.
The girls in the foreground look great, but the girl in the back with her giant bag of Doritos looks like she's having a better time.
Praying for Your Safety Versus Expecting the Worst
So, who that's reading this get's anxiety when they have to fly? It happens to plenty of people. Almost everyone has wondered what would happen if they were in a plane crash. But, unlike the man on the right, who's reading the safety placard and preparing himself in case something should happen, the woman on the left is reading a prayer book. And those are the two kinds of people on an airplane: one relying on hope and prayers and the other preparing for the worst.
To be fair, these are both valid responses to air travel. We wind up saying a little prayer every time we fly and then perusing the safety info anyway. Don't judge us; we just like the little cartoon people in the brochure.
Christmas Lovers and Christmas Grinches
For some people, the holidays are a tough time. It can be a financial burden if you have a lot of people to get presents for, and some persons also project a significant amount of emotional weight onto those last two months of the year. With that being the case, many people shut down and refuse to participate in holiday traditions. Meanwhile, all the other people fully lean in and enjoy themselves.
There's nothing wrong with being either of these people; it's all about personal preference. In fact, we think having both kinds keeps things fun.
Personally, We Prefer the Second Method
When we're little kids, and we go to the pool, it's all about having fun. You want to have races with your friends, you want to eat a bunch of snacks, and you want to do the coolest dives you can off the board. But then we get older, and a lot of people just go to the pool to tan or to take pretty pictures instead of enjoying themselves as they should.
But no matter your age, one thing never changes: there are the people who gracefully climb out of the pool and those who constantly struggle to do it.
Emergency Shopping Really Shows People's Priorities
In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of Americans started panicking about prospective shutdowns and consequently started hoarding household supplies. Cases of water and rolls of toilet paper were sold out across much of the country. But, other people decided not to worry and handled the situation a little more appropriately. As you see from the guy's cart below, all he wants to do is go home with a case of beer!
Notice how the guy only grabbed one case of beer. He realized it would take him a while to finish and decided to leave the rest for other people to buy. Be like this guy.
Beaches in the Winter Be Like:
The best part of being at the beach is soaking up the sun and knowing that if you get too hot, you'll be able to hop into that cold water for some refreshment. But what if you wind up at the beach in the winter? Are you still going to do all your same summer activities? One of the people in the picture below decided the answer is yes, but the other one just looks like she's cold.

Granted, walking along the beach in winter can be nice, but the wind coming off the water will be enough to leave you feeling pretty frosty.
Ketchup On The Fries Or Ketchup On The Side?
We thought about not including this picture in this article because we know this topic is one that people get scary passionate about. Ketchup, the universal condiment, is the obvious dipping sauce to go with a plate of french fries. But, when you're adding that ketchup to your plate, does it go on the side or on the fries? You can only have it one way. And by the way, if you said on the fries, you're wrong.
What we're curious about is whether this same rule applies to other sauces. Like, if you're a ketchup on the side person, do you also get your salad dressing on the side?
Photos His Girlfriend Takes Versus Photos He Takes
If you go through the camera roll on someone's phone, chances are you'll find one of two things. They're either going to have a lot of nice, professional-looking photos, or they're going to have a bunch of memes and blurry snapshots. Don't believe us? Try it out! Or, just take a look at the pictures this girlfriend takes of her boyfriend versus the pictures that the boyfriend takes of her.
One of our favorite things to do (don't judge us) is when we're going on road trips with friends, and we can take pictures of them sleeping. Then, we like to send it to them and embarrass them later in the road trip. So we guess we're more like the boyfriend here.
When One Twin Likes Playing Outside and the Other Doesn't
If you've ever doubted just how powerful the sun is, this picture should put that argument to rest. You may not believe it, but these two boys are twins. One spends a lot of time outside playing sports. The other spends more time inside. Now, they don't even look like they're related! Of course, this probably means that the paler brother could get tan like this if he wanted. But, you know what they say: there are two types of people.
And speaking of the sun's power, if you're the type of person who still doesn't put sunscreen on when they go outside, just listen to your dermatologist and start doing it, please.
The Renaissance Fair Only Has Two Kinds of Visitors
We've never been to a renaissance fair, but man, would we love to go. To play-act as a medieval knight, drinking grog, and eating mutton sounds like such a blast! Plus, all of those characters talk so funnily. Still, if you're going t go, you should try to dress up and get into it. But, you're still going to have an important decision to make about what kind of costume you're going to wear.
In the picture above, we've got a few serious fellas trying to look like Norsemen. And then, we've got the winner of the day, the guy in the dragon rider costume.
College Art Class Students Be Like:
When it comes to art school and art classes, there seems to be a pretty significant division between the different types of artists. Some creators like their work to come out hyper-realistic and look almost like photographs. Other artists are more worried about creating a composition with character. In the picture below, you can see the two types at work. Remember, though, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so there's no correct choice for which drawing is more impressive.
Art exists on a spectrum, so out of all the items on this list, this is probably the one that supports the idea of there being more than two types of people the most.
How Often Do You Clean Out Your Inbox?
Alright, you want an honest answer? 923. We have 923 emails in our inbox right now. It's better than the 1,560 that the person from this photo was holding onto, but it's nowhere near as good as the two emails that the person on the left is dealing with. Still, it gets so hard to stay on top of your email all the time, especially when new messages are coming in and cluttering it up all over again every day!
A great way we've found to clean the inbox out gradually is to start flagging messages when they come in. That way, we can blanket delete them when the time comes.
The Polar Opposites of the IT World
The high-tech world is an animal of its own. Some of the different roles and positions at high-tech companies don't exist in any other industries, and almost everyone has a specialty that they're going to be known for. In the picture below, we see two of those different people perfectly proving what everyone already says about them. The consultant on the right is uber-serious and all business. And the developer on the left is a bit of a nerd who wears it on his sleeve.
This doesn't just apply to IT departments, but really everyone with a laptop. Either you're going to wind up covering the whole thing in stickers, or you're not putting any on.
His And Hers Vacation Toiletry Sets
For years, women have remarked that men have it much easier in the bathroom, and they're right. First and foremost, men don't have a menstrual cycle to worry about. But, second of all, companies market products to men and women very differently. Men are given mostly all-purpose products and told not to focus too much on hygiene. Women, on the other hand, are told the exact opposite and often have trouble finding toiletries that handle all their needs like the men's products do.
This must get really annoying when you're trying to pack for a trip and realize your significant other has so much more room in their suitcase than you do.
Are You an Over Or Under Toilet Paper Roller?
Everyone has a different bathroom routine. Do you brush your teeth before showering? Do you shave in the morning or at night? What about the toilet paper? Does it cascade over the roll, or do you grab it out from under? This largely comes down to personal preference but is still a heated debate in some circles. However, a recent study showed that one way produced fewer bacteria than the other, and so that's the one we're sticking with.
If you're curious, and we hope you are, running the toilet paper over the roll greatly reduces the risk of bacteria flying all around the rest of the bathroom.
College Students' Camera Rolls Either Look Like This or Like That
If you opened up your photos right now, what would we see more of? Are you going to have pictures of yourself and friends or pictures of useful stuff like road signs and class notes? Everyone has a different way of using their camera, so we're not saying one is right, or one is wrong. Still, when you look at the contrast between these two images, it is pretty hilarious to imagine what other differences you might find between these two people.
Another interesting difference between people is how long they hold onto photos. Some will empty their memory once a month, while others will go years with the same photos on their phone.
Nothing but Respect for Smurf Girl
And here we have another classic example of the two kinds of people at a costume party. And it's not hard to see which kind most people align with. While most of the young women in this photo opted for cute, pretty costumes like princesses or cavewomen, one girl decided to go big or go home. She painted her entire body blue to dress up as a Smurf, and we have nothing but love and respect for her.
Honestly, we might copy her costume for next Halloween.
There Are Only Two Ways of Opening Medication
We love that most companies include a seal on their products, so we can tell they haven't been tampered with before we purchase them. But, that being said, that seal can be a nightmare to get off sometimes. Below is a picture of a bottle of Advil, and personally, we feel like their tampering technology is some of the best. It takes forever to open one of those bottles up all the way!

Granted, neither of these is incorrect, but we much prefer to have a clean lid on bottles like this. Having the extra tinfoil hanging down just irks us for some reason.
Pie With Whipped Cream or Whipped Cream With Pie?
While writing this article, we realized that there are only two types of people when it comes to whipped cream as well. In the picture below, we can see a perfect example of the two. On the right, you've got the respectful, casual enjoyer of whipped cream, who puts an appropriate dollop on their slice of pie and steps back. On the left, you have the person who empties half the can and then adds an extra squirt into their own mouth.
We know this part of the article was supposed to be about whipped cream, but what about that pie? Is that pumpkin?
You're Either a Plant Parent or a Plant Killer - There's No In-Between
Just because succulents grow slowly and are pretty resilient, people seem to forget that they're still actually plants. These aren't just pieces of plastic that will remain in your living room for years without you doing anything. You have to check how dry the soil is, water these guys, and trim any dead weight, so it can be a lot of work! But, in the picture below, you see what happens when someone neglects that work.
Quite obviously, the cactus on the right is thriving while the plant on the left is, well, dead. The owner could try watering the plant now, but we doubt they'll be able to save it.
We're Sorry, But The Second Image Is Just Wrong
Listen, alright, we don't know who told anyone this was alright, but you do not bite across the top of all four sticks of a Kit-Kat bar. Is there really a separate group of people out there who do this and who don't know how to eat Kit-Kats? It's literally in the commercial: "Break us off a piece of that Kit Kat bar." Nobody actually says, "Let me get a big honking bite out of all four sticks," do they?
Candy shaming aside, Kit-Kats are one of our favorite sweets of all time. And fun fact: if you ever travel to Japan, you'll be able to find lots of funky Kit-Kat flavors that are unavailable in the US.