It Never Rains, But It Pours
There’s nothing like being reminded that you can’t escape your past. We would have no clue if this original poster's dad and mom were involved in a vengeful divorce or something more amicable. Either way, we’re pretty sure her dad and his new bride didn’t need or want to be reminded of his ex on their special day, which we’re guessing was ruined thanks to this storm. If this was indeed retribution, it’s pretty biblical, right?
Maybe there is a secret hotline to the weather people you can call to make special requests for what the next storm is called? We’d love that to be true.
Owl Be Damned!
Seriously, what are the odds? Imagine this: you’re out on patrol, driving along, and an owl randomly flies through your vehicle window. Police officers are used to seeing and experiencing all manner of shocking things. Still, we’re guessing this officer got more than he bargained for on his shift that night. So much so that he crashed his car as a result of being pecked by his new feathered friend.
Just as bad is the sinister tweet posted in response by the “Owl from Louisiana.” Hopefully, the officer recovered from his ordeal so as not to give too much of a hoot (yes, pun intended!)
A Picture Says It All
Language is a beautiful thing. A single word can have multiple meanings, which turned out to be exactly the case here. Of course, this boss was pissed when his employee used a cat as their excuse not to make it to work on time. It’s the adult equivalent of the dog eating my homework. Frankly, it sounds like a ton of poop. So we’d love to have seen this boss’s face when they saw this image.
Given that this car is a total wreck, we applaud this employee’s perfect check-mate response to his boss. We just hope they managed to get a replacement car and that their boss has a sense of humor.
A Taste Of Freedom
So this is what pure relief and joy looks like. Pictured here is a famous and much-shared image of Nicole Kidman leaving her lawyer’s office after finalizing her divorce from actor Tom Cruise. Of course, we’re not going to speculate here about why she seems so happy. Still, one often cited reason was that she could wear heels again, so perhaps one of the first things she did after this shot was head out shopping? Needless to say, we have no idea if that's true.
If anyone is in any doubt, we think the Tom Cruise response is photoshopped. Still, the images alone say it all. This is what the face of freedom looks like.
Never Upset Your College Professor
There are so many questions about this image. For starters, this college test prank makes us wonder what Jerry and Robert saw when they turned over their particular test papers on Reservoir Characterization that day. We’re guessing the professor in question had something super special in store for them, whatever it was. We’d love to know what Jerry and Robert did to upset this professor enough to prank them like this.
We're dying to know how this story unfolded. Jerry and Robby, if you're out there, we're rooting for you!
The Smell Of Revenge
Imagine. You’re vegan and live next door to neighbors who barbecue meat and fish. You hate the smell. What do you do? You take them to court to make them stop. That’s what Cilla Carden did when she went into battle with Toan Vu. Her case and appeal were dismissed. But, the media picked it up, and the result was a Facebook event calling for a community barbecue outside the litigant’s home.
This is a hardcore way to leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth. However, the organizers subsequently stressed that it was a “peaceful event.” Here’s hoping vegan Cilla and carnivorous Toan are friends now.
We All Dream Of Winning The Lottery, But..
Who doesn’t dream of winning the lottery and flashing the cash like there’s no tomorrow? But we know if we did, we probably wouldn’t spend a million dollars just to send Kanye West this message. Clearly, this original poster isn’t a Kanye West fan. Maybe he even bears a grudge? We don’t know, and we’re not going to judge. Although we wonder if this person didn’t exactly think things through to their inevitable conclusion?
If this troll went ahead, all they would achieve is spending millions of dollars just to give rapper, producer, and designer Kanye, aka Ye, a night off. So go figure. Perhaps a trip to the Bahamas instead?
Who Hates Who More?
So let’s just get this straight. Instead of an entire stadium cheering on its side during this soccer game, instead, they choose to come together to unite in their hatred of a common enemy: England. And it happened twice. Once at a Scotland vs. Ireland game and again at a Scotland vs. Germany game. Do the English know how much their neighbors hate them? Or maybe they don’t care?
The final quip at the end: 'where do you think the US got it from?' had us chuckling, and so did the 'what didn't we do?' It's good to be able to laugh at ourselves.
Top Cat
Here’s an intrepid cat who wants to get in on the action by inserting itself into an unusual situation. Cops use dogs when they make arrests and searches, but maybe they hadn’t considered the skills our feline friends could bring to the job? So here’s a cat that spotted an opportunity to do its duty by sitting on this biker to make sure he doesn’t make a run for it.
Meanwhile, officer cat is doing a great job of controlling the perp all on his own, while the cops are free to have a chat and ignore the handcuffed guy on the ground.
Kids Just Love Playing With Water
It’s safe to assume that this coast guard isn’t having a good day. After all, being driven into the water by a powerful blast of water thanks to a small kid isn’t going to be anyone’s finest hour, right? Not only that, but he took the hit straight in the face. We’re guessing he had little time to react before being barrelled into the water in what must have felt like zero to 100.
We hope there was no lasting damage to this coast guard worker and that he made it home safe and dry...and that no one asked him how his day went.
How Not To Sell A State
Whoever this scented candle maker is, they clearly didn’t have much to say about this Midwestern state. Perhaps they just had a bad or plain old boring time there, given this candle smells of nothing. Either that or something crazy and serious happened in Ohio that they don’t want to talk about. Ever. But one thing's for sure, you'd likely be put off of visiting if you were to go by this candle alone, right?
This leaves us wondering what some of the other US states in this collection might smell like. Florida: oranges, Nevada: money, Georgia: peaches, and let’s not forget Arkansas: perhaps, Bill Clinton’s aftershave?
It’s Not Just Elephants With Long Memories
We’d just love to know what Dennis did to deserve this ban back in 1973. It must have been something pretty terrible like smashing up all the bar stools, not paying a giant tab, or starting one too many fights? It must have been bad to have gotten banned from this bar for thirty long years. We’d pay good money or buy a round of drinks to hear the backstory to this post.
We also wonder who remembered Dennis well enough to tell him to get the hell out again in 2003. Also, it's worth saying that Dennis must have aged pretty well to still be remembered three decades later!
So Satisfying To Have The Last Word Here
So whoever Mark is, he decides to go all out and double declare he is unfollowing the official Memes Facebook page. A tad dramatic, right? We love that Meme's response puts him firmly in his place just an hour after his theatrical stage exit. After all, why not tell Mark and the world how little they care about his departure and how many more followers they gained since his announcement?
So we’re guessing Mark’s attempt at having the last word in front of a big audience on Facebook truly backfired. That said, we’d still love to know what caused him to flounce off like that.
Farewell Sara
We love a good BBQ story. This time it’s a group chat between carnivores in which up pops Sara, the vegan who is quickly removed when they realize she doesn’t share their tastes. Of course, no one likes being excluded or people who do the excluding, but we can't help but find this funny. All joking aside, we hope this was a gag and that Sara was brought back into the group.
Hopefully, this group of barbecuing friends is just a bunch of bad-mannered and lazy salad dodgers who could not be bothered to think about plant-based alternatives for Sara. Who knows?
Easy Money
For $5, this animal shelter writes the names of people you hate in a kitty litter box. Somewhere out there are Adrian, Caity, Chris, Dave, John, Josh, and Trevor. And someone hates you enough to pay this cat shelter $5 to have your name written in this litter tray. We think this ingenious idea is a funny, quick way to raise some cash for this good cause. That said, we’re not sure these two cute kittens are entirely convinced.
They look a bit confused about what's being asked of them. But more importantly, we want to know what did the aforementioned do to warrant such hatred?! Maybe each of them is someone’s terrible ex?
Nature’s Revenge
It’s one of those 'if you didn't see it for yourself, you wouldn't believe it' moments. Here, as you can see, we have a glorious blue-skied day. So you grab your camera, put on your hiking boots, and step out for a day in the sunshine. Just as you’ve found that perfect shot of the clear sky framed by trees and mountains, nature steps in and gives you the finger.
We like to think the universe has a keen sense of humor, and if this image doesn't prove this notion we don't know what will. We hope this phenomenon made the hiker smile as much as it did us!
One Hell Of A Joke
The premise of the popular TV show, Lucifer, is that the main character of the same name gets bored in hell and sets up camp in LA (where else?) and opens a nightclub. Here we have an image of the character and underneath a caption suggesting that everyone in hell has to be British. Why else would Lucifer surface from there to LA and be the only character with a British accent, right?
So yeah, maybe they have a point. British history gets pretty dark - Collinialisation, genocide, slavery, etc. Not to mention, tea that tastes like dishwater, we're sure the list continues...
How To Tell The Difference Between People
We all have different ways to tell the difference between people we know with the same name. The Anglo Saxons had a simple solution. They added where a person came from, their job, or whose son or daughter they are to a person’s name. For instance, the source of Jeremy’s last name is likely to be “son of Lars.” We love that Jeremy has just realized that he's adopted an age-old tradition by naming his contacts by their jobs or deeds.
Fun facts aside, we now need to know what Pete did to warrant his name being saved like this. Also, does Mike have an exciting personality, or is he the local electrician? Thoughts?
What Are The Odds?
The stats vary, but we think the odds of being struck by lightning once are around one in 500,000. The odds of being struck twice or more are unknown. but, interestingly, men are more likely to be hit. But even so, this British officer, Major Walter Summerford, was so unlucky that he was struck three separate times in his lifetime! The first was during World War I when he was on a horse in Belgium.
Astonishingly, even his gravestone didn’t avoid a strike in 1936. That’s what we call really bad luck. The universe seems to really have had it in for this poor guy.
That Sinking Feeling
Imagine parking your car, heading out for a bit of light shopping, maybe some lunch with friends, and then returning to find your car submerged in a watery hole. Sadly, that’s what happened to this poor car owner in Mumbai, India. Perhaps it’s unsurprising given this apparently happened during monsoon season. But one thing's for sure: The owner of this car must have really felt the universe kick them in the teeth that day.
Especially as all around we see cars unscathed, parked on firm ground. We just hope this car owner’s insurance company covered them on the day the universe decided not to play nice.
Being In The Wrong Place, At The Wrong Time
There’s no way of knowing where this image comes from, so we’re going to put speculation to one side. Here we see a grainy photo of protesters and police (or maybe military?) confronting each other in what looks like an aggressive face-off. We’re guessing the person in the helmet didn’t bargain for what happened to him that day at work. All it took was to be stood in the wrong place at the wrong time to come across the wrong guy.
One simple raise of this person’s helmet visor, and this protester can stick his index and middle finger into his enemy’s eyes. Ouch! Time to improve on the headgear, we think.
When You Can’t Swim In Your Own Country
So here’s Croatia with its extensive coastline. It looks like they've deliberately ensured Bosnia and Herzegovina have nowhere to take a dip in the ocean unless they cross the border. However, closer inspection tells us that the latter does, in fact, have a teeny 12-mile long coastline called the Neum corridor. So technically, residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina can swim in their own country. But, unfortunately, it just might not be that convenient.
Of course, we’re not suggesting that Croatia hand over some of its coastlines, but when we gave this map a look, we couldn't help but laugh. Clearly, whoever plotted Croatia's landmass loves the ocean!
Is Long-Distance Running Really A Good Idea?
Yes, it’s true. The modern-day 26.2-mile marathon originates from ancient Greece. The story goes that a Greek messenger ran almost 25 miles from the site of Marathon to Athens with news of a significant Greek victory concerning the invasion of the Persians in 490 BC. Fast forward to the Athens Olympics in 1986, and we have the first organized marathon race. So yeah, in short, we run marathons to outdo someone who died doing their job.
Yup. The universe definitely dealt that poor guy quite the blow the day he ran 25 miles and died, so we’re with the original poster here. Instant hands all the way.
When There’s No Point In Even Trying
You know it’s time to leave wherever you are when even your smartwatch tells you that healthy living just isn’t an option. Imagine being told by a digital gadget that healthy living isn't available in your country. You’re either going to feel somewhat disheartened! Or perhaps relieved that you don't have to bother? It could be the perfect opportunity to just let it all hang out and forget the broccoli.
We’re curious to find out which country this original poster was in when they received this slightly sinister message on their device. Does anyone out there care to guess? The winner gets a bag of salad.
Tell Us How You Really Feel
There is nothing like a bit of casual xenophobia to make a person feel at home. We’re hoping this sign is a tongue-in-cheek joke, either at the expense of the Danes or the pastry. We guess we’ll never know. We suspect it’s the former. Perhaps the person who made this long and very nearly inclusive sign has an ex from Denmark, or they had a bad trip there once? Or...
Then again, it could simply be that this person hates pastries of any kind. Even when they are nice and warm out of the oven in the morning. Either way, no Danish and no Danish discrimination here.
European Walk, Don’t Walk Rules
The original poster is correct when they say that it looks like every European country is walking away from Poland. This is apparently an image of each country’s walking pedestrian sign, so it seems like no one wants to hang out with Poland. Some countries are walking toward Russia, while others, like Ireland, are away from the UK. However, Google tells us that the Polish walking pedestrian sign is similar to everywhere else.
So while this image suggests Poland and several other countries in or close to Europe are having a friendless time, we’re turning on our radar and saying, nope, that's just plain wrong.
It's Not Just Humans That Have Bad Days
Well, those eight limbs have to do something, right? Our limbs have a purpose in the human world but imagine having eight. What would they all do? That’s what scientists were left wondering faced when watching film footage showing an Octopus punching a fish. Their conclusion? They do it simply because they can. We know this particular marine animal is super brainy, and sometimes they even go food hunting with fish.
But when they are unhappy with something their fish buddies have done, it’s a swift whack to the head! So, now we know. Octopodes have bad tempers too. Who knew?!
The Universe Must Really Hate This Guy
We hope that whoever Keith is - maybe he doesn’t know about this monthly club dedicated to hating him. Either that, or Keith has a fantastic sense of humor, and he’s the club's President. The ability to laugh at ourselves is an excellent quality, but not everyone possesses it. So we hope that Keith does. We’d also love to see a photo of Keith’s hair. What about it causes so much offense?
That said, given that the We Hate Keith Club only meets for an hour a month and in a place known for being quiet, we think they can’t have that much to shout about.
Poor Jim
Whoever did this in the snow went to a lot of trouble just to tell the world how they felt about Jim. This hater is definitely dedicated to their cause. It takes a whole lot of motivation and energy to step out into the cold weather, walk across some fields and then create this homage to their hatred of Jim. This begs the question: Is Jim a loser? What has he done to garner such an insult? The mind boggles.
We have to wonder why this person hates Jim so much and whether Jim even knows or, in fact, cares? The upside is that snow melts. We just hope the creator of this found some love in their heart come springtime.
Being A Sports Spectator Isn’t So Safe After All
When you buy tickets to a sports event, be it soccer, baseball, or other sport where there are flying objects, you don’t normally expect to be injured. However, this poor lady, Alice Roth, twice fell foul of baseball player Richie Ashburn’s aim while watching the Center Fielder play baseball in 1957. We understand if, at this point, you’re speculating whether or not this was a deliberate act. Especially if you don’t believe in coincidence.
Thankfully, this bloody tale ends well. Ashburn visited Roth in the hospital the next day. The two became friends. Roth’s family was given free tickets and a visit to the clubhouse. Happy endings do exist - who knew?
One Big Public Mess Up
Here are two people who had a bad day. Tom McEldroon, quoted in the article above, asked to be anonymous. The reporter had just one job. Keep McEldroon’s name out of it. Instead of this, he reported it verbatim and messed up. Imagine Mr. McEldroon’s reaction when reading the local paper and seeing his name in print. Or he stepped out to be greeted by “hi Tom, see you made the paper this week.”
The moral of this tale is? For Mr. McEldroon, it’s: don’t talk to the press, and for our reporter here, it’s: read your notebook and page proofs before going to print.
Any Chance Of Going Up Again?
Imagine. You’ve saved up and taken time away from work to fulfill your dream of climbing the highest mountain in Africa. Not only that, but you’ve succeeded in raising a ton of money simultaneously. You get to the summit and see your phone battery is almost dead. So you ask the guide who’s got you to the top of this dormant volcano, and it’s all downhill from there.
The guide's hand obscured what was supposed to be a shot of this guy’s moment. So, the climber has two options: live off the memories or climb those 5,895 meters all over again!
One Of History’s Unluckiest Men
It's safe to say this guy definitely had a bad day. This skeleton was unearthed in the ancient city of Pompeii, where the volcano erupted in 79 CE. Fast forward to 2018, when archaeologists excavated the skeleton. It was suspected the man in question died when his skull was crushed as he ran from the eruption. Only it wasn’t. A few months later, his skull was discovered open-mouthed close to the man’s body. A boulder killed him as he ran away!
What are the chances?! This proves that not every picture tells the full story. This guy was definitely one of those unlucky people who went out on one of those days when the universe wanted to send down some ill-fate.
The Vultures Are Here
This poor woman’s balcony has been trashed by a team of vultures. A crew of North America’s largest flying birds decided to wreak havoc on this woman’s outdoor space. Maybe the lady in question accidentally left some food out, or perhaps there was another reason? Condors only lay an egg a year, which is probably one reason why they’re so rare. But despite their scarcity, a few still found the gumption to gather on this deck.
They didn’t just trash the deck. They pooped all over it. Big white splashes of it. We’re guessing this homeowner ended up having to rearrange her day to clear up this s***ty mess.
What Happens When You Upset Your Crew
There is nothing like making your irritation with your boss public. Here’s someone who’s made their feelings about their boss Doug perfectly clear. We don’t know why this construction site is fenced off in this way, nor why there’s a big red danger sign stuck on the wire fencing. But, we know that someone was upset enough about their boss’s management style to share it with their co-workers and passers-by.
Do you think the culprit was caught? If they were, maybe Doug retaliated and fired them on the spot. Or perhaps Doug may have revised his entire decision-making process? We’ll never know.
A Stinging Tale
Never upset a wasp. These wasps made their feelings about this anti-wasp spray clear. They retaliated by building a wasp nest on this original poster's wasp killer can. The thing about these annoying critters is that they’re actually pretty smart. In fact, according to a study by the University of Michigan, wasps can use a form of logical reasoning only previously attributed to humans and some vertebrate animals.
If that’s so, we think this theory explains a lot. But that's probably small comfort to this original poster, who now has to go out and buy a fresh can of wasp killer for their wasp killer.
Expect The Unexpected When You Go Shopping
It’s happened to most of us. We park in what we think is a safe out-of-the-way spot only to return hours later, and some idiot has pranged our car and driven off without leaving a note. However, we can confidently say that a light aircraft has never landed on our car. That’s what we call the universe making sure we have a terrible day. Is this karma because the car is parked across two spaces?
Or did the plane landing shunt it across? Whichever, selfishly, we're just glad it wasn’t us returning to our vehicle to a ton of crime scene tape. Could you imagine?!
A Not So Subtle Message
According to the original poster, their mother-in-law served them this slice of cake. So the temptation to make a ton of mother-in-law jokes is strong. However, we’ll leave you to take up the challenge on that one. Instead, we’re going to take the moral high ground here and suggest that this person’s mother-in-law is really a cake baking sweetheart who wasn’t paying attention when she cut this slice of chocolate cake.
Are you not convinced? Us neither. It’s a not-so-subtle message that says it all. But, it’s a passive-aggressive note delivered on a slice of cake. Time for some family therapy, anyone?
When The Internet Says No
While less than 1% of Chinese people have this surname, there are still 7.4 million people who share it. So it’s understandable why this original poster is angered that they can’t create an account on this site because their name is too short. What do people do in cases like this? Does someone have to change their name to set up an account? We’re guessing the website developer didn’t think past the obvious in this case.
This should be a lesson to all website builders - form fields need to allow for fewer characters! But, whether it’s a deliberate act of malice, we can’t say. We doubt it - probably just an oversight.
An Unfortunate Fortune
One of the best things about ordering Chinese food is the fortune cookies. They're as delicious as they are fun. Or, at least, that's usually the case. Cue, the guy who unwrapped this insulting fortune: 'the greatest danger could be your stupidity' - this note doesn't mince its words. It's out and out calling the original poster an idiot. Of course, we don't know this person - perhaps it's an accurate evaluation?
Either way, we're pretty sure they didn't expect to get roasted by their lunch! Perhaps it was supposed to be a proverb about wisdom that was poorly written. We'll never know.